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"Where for, sir, please?" said a porter, who had been putting the playbox and portmanteau on a truck during the altercation. "Nowhere," said Mr. Bultitude. "I I'm not going by this train; find me a cab with a sober driver." The porter looked round. A moment before there had been several cabs discharging their loads at the steps; now the last had rolled away empty.

I have implicit trust and confidence in you let every boarder go down into the box-room and fetch up his playbox, just as it is, and open it here before me."

She then said to Huggo, her voice very low, "Darling, run now to see everything is in your playbox. Doda, help him. Take Benji, darlings. Benji, go and see the lovely playbox things." When they had gone she was seen by Harry to be working with her fingers at her key-ring. In one hand she held the ring, in the other a key that she seemed to be trying to remove. It was obstinate. She wrestled at it.

Evans, whom may all prosperity attend throughout a long and green old age. I was interested in Californian wine. Indeed, I am interested in all wines, and have been all my life, from the raisin wine that a school-fellow kept secreted in his playbox up to my last discovery, those notable Valtellines that once shone upon the board of Cæsar.

He could find nothing to do; he climbed up the Abbey tower, and wrote his name on the big hand of the clock; he roped up his playbox, tipped the school porter; and still there was an hour and a half to put in. Disconsolately he wandered down town. He strolled into Gisson's, the school book-seller's: it contained nothing but the Home University Library series and numerous Everymans.

They came across the bridges with glinting rifles, and the blue coats and red trousers of the infantry made them look in the distance like tin soldiers from a children's playbox. But there were battalions of them close to the railway lines, waiting at level crossings, and with stacked arms on the platforms, so that I could look into their eyes and watch their faces.

Puck Mulligan, panamahelmeted, went step by step, iambing, trolling: John Eglinton, my jo, John, Why won't you wed a wife? He spluttered to the air: O, the chinless Chinaman! Chin Chon Eg Lin Ton. We went over to their playbox, Haines and I, the plumbers' hall. Our players are creating a new art for Europe like the Greeks or M. Maeterlinck. Abbey Theatre! I smell the pubic sweat of monks.

"Oh!" said Mr. Bultitude faintly, feeling utterly crestfallen and he could say nothing more. "As for those illicit luxuries in your playbox," continued the Doctor, "the fact that you brought the box up as it was is in your favour; and I am inclined on reflection to overlook the affair, if you can assure me that you were no party to their being put there?"

"Well, if you won't," said Tipping easily, "I suppose we must. Biddlecomb, kindly knock him down, and sit on his head while I fill his playbox for him." This was neatly and quickly done. Biddlecomb tripped Mr. Bultitude up, and sat firmly on him, while Tipping carefully replaced the good things in Dick's box, after which he locked it, and courteously returned the key.

So I have nourished one more viper in my bosom, have I? A crawling reptile which curries favour by denouncing the very crime it conceals in its playbox! Bultitude, I was not prepared for such duplicity as this!" "I I swear I never put them in!" protested the unhappy Paul. "I I never touch such things: they would bring on my gout in half-an-hour. It's ridiculous to punish me.