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And, at the same time, he remembered clearly that, when he was telephoning to Mazeroux in the morning, the notebook was in the pocket of his overcoat and that he had left his overcoat on a chair near the telephone box. Now, at that moment, Mlle. Levasseur, for no reason, was roaming about the study. What was she doing there? "Oh, the play-actress!" thought Perenna, raging within himself.

She looked up at me, smiling in her bold impudent way, and said: 'Father has told me I may stop and learn what this gentleman is so kind as to teach me about my geraniums. After that, I could say nothing more before the stranger: and when he was gone, and she came back triumphing, and laughing, and singing about the room, more like a mad play-actress than a decent young woman, I kept quiet and bore with her provocation.

At least you ought to hold your own anywhere, in any society, the very best." "And yet I'm not 'your sort. Am I a humbug, an impostor, an adventuress, a puppet and play-actress? Or is it that I have forfeited my right, my rank of gentlewoman, my position in the world, your world?" I was silent, moodily, obstinately silent. She had hit the blot, and could put but one interpretation upon it.

"Old Chatfield's daughter's gone in there, where Andrius went. Just now!" "What the play-actress!" said Spurge. "You don't say, guv'nor? Ha! that explains everything that's the missing link! Ha! But we'll soon know what they're after, Mr. Copplestone. Follow me quiet as a mouse." Once more submitting to be led, Copplestone followed his queer guide along the alley.

Why, 'twas but the other day that the Duke of Clarence, who may come to call himself King of England, married Mrs. Jordan, who is herself only a play-actress. And whom think you that this one is?" She stood under the picture with her arms folded across her great body, and her big black eyes looking from one to the other of us. "Why, where are your eyes?" she cried at last.

I've seen it twice in my life, and I never want to see it again for what man with a heart would wish to do so? "Britten," she says, almost like a play-actress on the stage of a theatre, "Britten, do you know what happened last night?" "Well," says I, "for that matter lots of things happened; but if you're speaking of the gentleman, your husband "

He had continually threatened to carry me off in a coach to some village by the Channel, and take me across to France in a fishing-smack. When I declared I would ask the magistrates for protection, he said they would laugh at me as a play-actress trying to make herself talked about. I took that to be true, and so, as I've told you, I left London.

This paragraph was copied by the leading paper of his native city, and his father wrote to know if it were really true that he was about to marry a play-actress. This gave a distinct shock to Douglass, for it made definite and very moving the vague dreams which had possessed him in his hours of reflection.

He had been most unaccountably kind to her of late, a kindness which his many detractors attributed either to an infatuation for his brother's widow, or to a desire to further irritate his uncle the Earl of Northallerton, who a rigid Puritan himself hated the play-actress and her connection with his own family.

I said, 'It is bad enough that she should be a play-actress; but the daughter of an Irish father and an American mother, that is fatal! He would not listen, and he was punished for his obstinacy. You were no comfort to him, for, as I pointed out many a time, you were bound to grow up the living image of the woman who had betrayed us.