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The Julian law must have been passed in the last months of 664, for during the good season of the year Caesar was in the field; the Plautian was probably passed, as was ordinarily the rule with tribunician proposals, immediately after the tribunes entered on office, consequently in Dec. 664 or Jan. 665.

The Julian law must have been passed in the last months of 664, for during the good season of the year Caesar was in the field; the Plautian was probably passed, as was ordinarily the rule with tribunician proposals, immediately after the tribunes entered on office, consequently in Dec. 664 or Jan. 665.

How did Plautian conduct himself in this important post? How was this treachery discovered? How was this effected? Did Plautian fall into the snare? How did he act on the occasion? Was he pardoned? How did Severus next employ himself? What were his first measures in Britain? Was it a difficult campaign? Did he overcome these difficulties? What famous work did he execute, and where did he die?