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He neglected his family and business, he wur thet fur gone; finally got hisself killed, and then she pizened herself with a sarpent, not a moccasin nor rattler, but a little short blue-brown scrub snake not a foot long." "You mean Antony and Cleopatra," said Sedgwick. "'Zactly, Cleopatra," said Jordan. "She wer ther one.

I had felt obligated to swaller a few spoonfuls o' the salted custard when she'd be lookin' my way, an' I felt like ez ef I was pizened, an' so I thess took the painkiller ez a sort o' anecdote. Another way Mary Elizabeth shows sense is the way she accepts discipline from the ol' nigger, Dicey.

Men took from their reg'lar jobs to go hunt worthless Chinamen, and take his place a-cookin'. Hens dyin' to right an' left pizened by some your doses, likely " "Oh, no! Captain, I'm sure nobody would do such a cruel thing as poison helpless creatures!" protested Dorothy, running to clasp his hand.

"That may be, but he was no relation of mine." "Had long red whiskers and his hair stood up straight seed him climb a tree one night and shake a coon out as slick as a whistle. Had a dog named Tige feller pizened him. Where you frum?" "Nashville. I wish you'd look " "Yes, that's what I'm goin' to do. And ain't this Jasper Starbuck's daughter? I thought so," he added when Lou nodded at him.

Say, Carney," turning back to the bar complainingly, "wher's them durned brandy 'cocks' Mr. Tresler ordered a whiles back? You're gettin' most like a fun'ral on an up-hill trail. Slow eh? Guess if we're to be pizened I sez do it quick."

'E were a melancholy cove for any young woman to 'ave to live with. But there, as my old mother used to say, 'any old barn-door can keep out the draught!" The younger man looked up: "What sort o' tragedy?" he asked. "The Colonel pizened 'isself, and the question was did 'e do it o' purpose? Some said yes, and some said no. I was in it by a manner of speaking." "You was in it?"

At the proper moment Jim gave the dog an upward twist and there was a snap. They heard his neck break. "It's all right," said Old Jasper. "Why, you women folks mustn't take on now. Thar are two times when you mustn't take on when thar's danger and when thar ain't." "I know he's pizened!" Margaret cried. "Well, now, don't bet no money on that fur you'll lose it. He didn't tech me."

And she being enthusiastick gin a long eulogy of the good men who wuz tryin' to save poor babies by givin' 'em pure milk, and she talked bitter about the men who opposed the idee for fear it would pauperize the babies. And I told her it wouldn't make much difference with the babies pizened by microby milk whether they died pauperized or onpauperized.

Oncle Jazon pounced upon the hand and gripped it in his own knotted fingers, gazing delightedly up into Clark's bronzed and laughing face. "Where'd I come frum? I come frum ever'wheres. Fust time I ever got lost in all my born days. Fve been a trompin' 'round in the water seems like a week, crazy as a pizened rat, not a knowin' north f'om south, ner my big toe f'om a turnip!

I rushed down the hill like mad, and fairly flew to camp and up to Uncle Kit, exclaiming as best I could, "I'm poisoned!" "Pizened?" said Uncle Kit. "Yes, poisoned;" and just then another rush of gas came through my nostrils. When the men saw me running so fast they grabbed their guns, thinking the Indians were after me, and quickly surrounded me to hear what was the matter.