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"Wud that be Savage givin' us a bit of groun' next year t' raise pirtas?" "Maybe." "Maybe we're goin' t' flit, where there's a perch or two wi' th' house!" A low whistle outside attracted my attention and I stole quietly away. It was Sonny Johnson, the baker's son, and he had a little bundle under his arm. We boys were discussing a very serious proposition when Anna appeared on the scene.

"Oh, heavens, don't," he said; "shure they don't 'kep' pirtas in America!" "I'm not in America now," I answered, as I circled as much of the little bare table as I could with my arms to keep the potatoes from rolling off. He dumped them in a heap in the centre; they rolled up against my arms and breast and I pushed them back. Mary cleared a space for a small pile of salt and the buttermilk bowls.

"Kapin' th' crows off th' pirtas, yer honor!" "You need a new shirt!" he said. The blood rushed to my face. I tried to answer, but the attempt seemed to choke me. "You need a new shirt!" he almost yelled at me. I saw a smile playing about the corners of his fine large eyes. It gave me courage. "Aye, yer honor, 'deed that's thrue." "Why don't you get one?"

"'I dunno, says I. "'I don't want to argufy or palaver wi' a dacent maan, says she, 'but I'm terrible hungry. "'Luk here, says I, 'I've got a dozen pirtas I'm goin' t' roast fur m' dinner. I'll roast thim down there be that gate, an' I'll lave ye six an' a dhrink ov butthermilk. Whin ye see m' lave th' gate ye'll know yer dinner's ready.

It was Withero. He shook Anna and Jamie in their bed and asked in a loud voice: "What's all this palaver about an' oul throllop what niver earned salt t' 'is pirtas?" "Go on t' yer stone pile, Willie," Anna said, as she sat up in bed; "what ye don't know will save docther's bills."

Hen had none, but I volunteered to trust him. "Go on now, guess!" said he. "Pirtas an' broth!" said I. "Yer blinked, ye cabbage head, we've got two yards ov thripe forby!" I carried two quarts to as many neighbors. Mary carried three. As they were settling down to dinner Arthur Gainer arrived with his mother's contribution. Jamie sampled it and laughed outright.