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"The things that produce the well-known 'gas gangrene' of the trenches, the gas phlegmon bacilli all sorts, the bacillus aerogenes capsulatus, bacillus proteus, pyogenic cocci, and others, actively gas-forming microbes that can't live in air. The method I took to develop and discover them was that of Col. Sir Almroth Wright of the British army medical corps." "And that is what was on the bullet?"

In the more severe variety the skin is red, and the swelling partakes of the characters of a phlegmon with threatening suppuration; it may result in crippling from adhesions. Even if pus forms in the sheath, the tendon rarely sloughs. The treatment consists in inducing hyperæmia by Bier's method; and a vaccine may be employed with satisfactory results.

Here we were dealing with a well known and familiar phenomenon; if this occurs in the peritoneum the effects are particularly well marked; similarly as in the case of a phlegmon which rapidly disappears with the discharge of pus even although the inflammation extend beyond the pus focus, the symptoms of diffuse peritonitis promptly disappeared after the rupture.

It usually subsides in two or three weeks under rest, but tends to relapse. An acute synovitis with peri-articular phlegmon is most often met with in the elbow, but it occurs also in the knee and ankle. There is a sudden onset of severe pain and swelling in and around the joint, with considerable fever and disturbance of health.

And, that this circumstance exists in respect to infectious matter appears from a known fact; that nurses, who have had the small-pox, are liable to experience small ulcers on their arms by the contact of variolous matter in lifting their patients; and that when patients, who have formerly had the small-pox have been inoculated in the arm, a phlegmon, or inflamed sore, has succeeded, but no subsequent fever.

Thus a common pustule, or phlegmon, in a part of little sensibility does not excite an inflammatory fever; but if the stomach, intestines, or the tender substance beneath the nails, be injured, great sensation is produced, and the whole system is thrown into that kind of exertion, which constitutes inflammation.

The subject was not observed thereafter and the outcome in this case is not a matter of record. Whether there existed a psoic phlegmon due to metastatic infection or necrosis of a part of a lumber or dorsal vertebra is a matter for speculation.

Th' Antiphlogistic Therey is this: That disease is fiery, and that any artificial exhaustion of vital force must cool the system, and reduce the morbid fire, called, in their donkey Latin 'flamma, and in their compound donkey Latin 'inflammation, and in their Goose Greece, 'phlogosis, 'phlegmon, &c.

Let her abstain from dancing, jumping, sneezing, as well as from all mental and bodily emotions, eat sparingly, not drink much, and be moderate in her sleep. Of the Inflammation of the Womb. The phlegmon, or inflammation of the matrix, is a humour which affects the whole womb, and is accompanied by unnatural heat, by obstruction and by an accumulation of corrupt blood.

"Just as the affection had suddenly developed to its full height at the onset of the disease, and much more swiftly than, for example, is the case in phlegmon of the external walls, so with extraordinary rapidity did the clinical picture assume a new type.