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The rationale behind the purchase had been to arrest fleeing sanity and, if anyone had witnessed this early, disconcerted behavior, to have that moment of senility's waning be expunged from human minds. Her intentionally looking aplomb into the rosary saleswoman's petrous countenance as she paid the money to her was a feigned attempt to project composure and went unnoticed.

With bone forceps or a fine saw, split open the petrous portion of the temporal bone and observe the cochlea and the semicircular canals. By a careful dissection other parts of interest may also be shown. Sight is considered the most important of the sensations.

Inanimate being that she was, for a minute she found peace. But then the next moment she was a petrous rural landscape shaking from a tremor and then there was this inexplicable tsunami of tears slapping against the rubble of her cheeks.

A similar form of osteomyelitis may occur apart from a wound for example, infection may spread to the jaws from lesions of the mouth; to the skull, from lesions of the scalp or of the cranial bones themselves such as a syphilitic gumma or a sarcoma which has fungated externally; or to the petrous temporal, from suppuration in the middle ear.

Passing forward and inward on the basilar surface, adjacent to the petrous ridge of the temporal bone, and the anterior margin of the tentorium, we reach in front the passional region of Rage and Insanity and a little further back, a region of restless and lawless Turbulence, which is marked upon the neck, and which antagonizes the regions of Tranquillity, Patriotism, and the outer portion of Conscientiousness.

The useless relic of it passes through the wall of the petrous bone in the shape of a narrow canal, and is called the vestibular aqueduct. It is only the inner and lower bulbous part of the separated auscultory vesicle that develops into the highly complex and differentiated structure that is afterwards known as the secondary labyrinth.

By the combination of these two devices, the waves striking upon the membrane of the internal ear are rendered some thirty times more effective than are the same waves entering the auditory canal. *The Internal Ear*, or labyrinth, occupies a series of irregular channels in the petrous process of the temporal bone. It is very complicated in structure, and at the same time is very small.

Early into his career, he halfway believed that in his studies of the dejected Patpong whores, petrous automatons of suburbia, desperate homeless mendicants blowing bird whistles at pedestrians near the Chao Phraya river pier, and himself, an outsider inside the travail, the torture, the jailhouse of this unjust world, that he would somehow redeem all.

A bond of attraction has brought them together, and through this cohesion of ingredients this petrous object has been formed. This stone is the lowest degree of phenomena, but nevertheless within it a power of attraction is manifest without which the stone could not exist. This power of attraction in the mineral world is love, the only expression of love the stone can manifest.

On its inner side is a small air chamber in the petrous portion of the temporal bone, called the cavity of the tympanum. Its bony walls are lined with mucous membrane similar to that lining the nose, mouth, and throat. On the inner wall of the tympanum are two openings, the round window, or foramen rotundum, and the oval window, or foramen ovale.