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It is often supposed that sexual intercourse midway between the menses is unlikely to result in pregnancy. There is no such "safe period." In the matter of limitation of offspring, therefore, "self-control" has no value. Rubber Pessaries. Medical practitioners can obtain sets of occlusive rubber pessaries from Messrs. E. Lambert & Son, of 60, Queen's Road, Dalston, E.8.

For phlegmatic constitutions nothing can be better than the decoction of guaiacum wood with a little disclaim, taken fasting in the morning, for twelve days consecutively, without producing sweating. Treat the lower parts of the body to suffumigating, pessaries, ointments and injections; for fumigating use cinnamon, nutmeg, the berries of the bay tree, mugwort, galbanum, molanthium, amber, etc.

In order to purify it, make injections of the decoction of betony, feverfew, spikenard, bismust, mercury and sage, and add two ounces each of sugar and sweet almond oil; pessaries may also be made of silk or cotton, softened in the juice of the above mentioned herbs. You must prepare trochisks, thus, to strengthen the womb.

There will be very little fear of conception with one of these new pessaries properly adjusted, as the rim will press equally all round. The inflated pessary would be the most perfect, however, if you could only contrive some method to prevent escape of air and consequent flattening. There are two ovaries and two Fallopian tubes, one on each side of the uterus.

Cloquet mentions that at an autopsy of a woman who had a pewter goblet in her vagina, lead oxid was found in the gangrenous debris. Long Retention of Pessaries, etc. The length of time during which pessaries may remain in the vagina is sometimes astonishing. The accompanying illustration shows the phosphatic deposits and incrustations around a pessary after a long sojourn in the vagina.

On the other hand, almost daily we meet with instances of untold suffering as the direct consequence of operations, the use of pessaries, etc., which only served to weaken the genital organs still more and resulted in all sorts of complications, inflammations, adhesions, etc., and in many cases in malignant tumors. In this connection I would warn especially against the use of pessaries.

Several brands have recently been analysed and found to contain no quinine at all or particular pessaries have been without sufficient quinine. Quinine is fatal to the spermatazoa, and without it these pessaries are simply pieces of soluble cocoa-butter.

Care should be taken, when filling the syringe, to express all the air from it by filling and refilling it two or three times with the nozzle under water; otherwise the first thing put into the vagina would not be warm water or antiseptic lotion, but simply a large bubble of air. Soluble Suppositories and Rubber Pessaries.

To keep in its place, make rollers and ligatures as for a rupture; and put pessaries into the bottom of the womb, that may force it to remain. Let the diet be such as has drying, astringent and glueing qualities, as rice, starch, quinces, pears and green cheese; but let the summer fruits be avoided; and let her wine be astringent and red. Of Diseases Relating to Women's Monthly Courses.

Or use pessaries to provoke the birth; take galbanum dissolved in vinegar, an ounce; myrrh, two drachms, with oil of oat make a pessary. An Ointment For the Navel.