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Listen to him, cousin," said the Queen, turning again to the Duke's Daughter. "Was ever the like of it in any kingdom of this earth? He chooses a penniless exile he, a butler to the Queen, with three dove-cotes and the perquage and a Huguenot withal.

My Lord Chamberlain, my Lord Leicester, Cecil here confusion sits in their faces. The perquage, which my father's patent approved, has served us well, I doubt not, is a comfort to our realm and a dignity befitting the wearer of that frieze jerkin. Speak to their better understanding, Monsieur of Rozel."

"Speak, Nuncio, and you shall have comforts, and be given in marriage, multiple or singular, even as I," said the fool, and touched him on the breast with his bells. Lempriere had recovered his heart, and now was set full sail in the course he had charted for himself in Jersey. In large words and larger manner he explained most innocently the sacred privilege of perquage.

Beckoning Leicester to her side, she said a few words in an undertone, to which he replied with a smile more sour than sweet. "Rise, Monsieur of Rozel," she said. The Seigneur stood up, and met her gaze faintly. "And so, proud Seigneur, you must needs flout e'en our Lord Chamberlain, in the name of our butler with three dove-cotes and the perquage.

The privilege had been used but once in the present Seigneur's day, because the criminal must be put upon the road from the chapel by the Seigneur himself, and he had used his privilege modestly. No man in Jersey but knew the sacredness of this perquage, though it was ten years since it had been used; and no man, not even the Governor himself, dare lift his hand to one upon that road.

In sooth thy office must not be set at naught lightly not when it is flanked by the perquage. By my father's doublet, but that frieze jerkin is well cut; it suits thy figure well I would that my Lord Leicester here had such a tailor. But this perquage I doubt not there are those here at Court who are most ignorant of its force and moment.

"Her high Majesty will kiss her on the brow, and in Jersey Isle she shall blossom and bloom and know bounty or never more shall I have privilege and perquage." He lumbered forward and kissed Angele's hand as though conferring distinction, but with great generosity. "I said that all should go well, and so it shall. Rozel shall prevail.

There was another moment's hesitation on the sergeant's part, then a door at the other end of the chapel was heard to open and shut, and the Seigneur laughed loudly. The halberdiers ran round the chapel. There stood Buonespoir and Abednego in a narrow roadway, motionless and unconcerned. The halberdiers rushed forward. "Perquage! Perquage!

"I am butler to your Majesty, by your gracious Majesty's patent, and I alone may have dove-cotes in the isle; and I only may have the perquage- on your Majesty's patent. It is not even held by De Carteret of St. Ouen's." The Queen smiled as she had not smiled since she entered the presence- chamber. "God preserve us," she said "that I should not have recognised you!

Perquage!" shouted Buonespoir, and the bright moonlight showed him grinning. For an instant there was deadly stillness, in which the approaching footsteps of the Seigneur sounded loud. "Perquage!" Buonespoir repeated. "Perquage! Fall back!" said the Seigneur, and waved off the pikes of the halberdiers. "He has sanctuary to the sea."