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"Nothing but war!" said the French post-office clerk who sat at another table, with his glass of Pernoud. "Germany and England have come to blows. Now that accursed nation of beer-swillers will get their lesson."

'E said Dr. Funk was a bloomin' ass for inventin' a drink that spoiled good Pernoud with water. 'E was a rare un. 'E was like Stevenson 'at wrote 'Treasure Island. Comes into my pub in Taiohae in the Marquesas Islands did Stevenson off'n his little Casco, and says he, ''Ave ye any whisky, 'e says, ''at 'asn't been watered? These South Seas appear to 'ave flooded every bloomin' gallon, 'e says.

He moved heavily down the stairs, and we breathed relief. "Too muchee Pernoud!" Fung Wah commented. "No, Fung Wah, you've sized 'im wrong," answered Lying Bill. "'E's seein' things. 'E's put enough absint' down his throat, but 'he's proper used to that. Let's take the matter up, an' consider it like ol' Raoul, the lawyer, did when Murray killed the gendarme at Areu.

Alex Simoneau, being of French descent, and speaking the Gallic tongue, was not to be found at the Tiare. He was at the Paris, or other cafe, surrounded by gaping Frenchmen, who pressed upon him Pernoud, rum, and the delicate wines of France. So great was his absorption in his new friends, and so unbounded their hospitality, that M. Lontane laid him by the heels to rest him.