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Terebratula aenigma, var. Spirifer Chilensis. Mingled together in alternating beds in the main valley of Copiapo near Las Amolanas, and likewise higher up the valley: Pecten Dufreynoyi. Turritella Andii. Terebratula aenigma, var. as at Guasco. Astarte Darwinii. Gryphaea Darwinii. Gryphaea nov. species? Perna Americana. Avicula, nov. species. Pecten Dufreynoyi. Gryphaea Darwinii?

The uppermost layers of this ferrugino-sandy mass are conformably covered by, and impregnated to the depth of several inches with, the calcareous matter of the bed D called losa: hence I at one time imagined that there was a gradual passage between them; but as all the species are recent in the bed D, whilst the most characteristic shells of the uppermost layers of E are the extinct Perna, Pecten, and Monoceros, I agree with M. d'Orbigny, that this view is erroneous, and that there is only a mineralogical passage between them, and no gradual transition in the nature of their organic remains.

These concretions are remarkable from the great number of large silicified bones, apparently of cetaceous animals, which they contain; and likewise of a shark's teeth, closely resembling those of the Carcharias megalodon. Shells of the following species, of which the gigantic Oyster and Perna are the most conspicuous, are numerously embedded in the concretions:

"The mainland which Ruy de Mello, who was captain of this city, conquered, was entered by the Moors, who used to possess it, in the month of April of five hundred and twenty-four, and they hold it as theirs, and the first Thanadar's district which they took was that of Perna, which is by the seaside.

Perna, who had kept near to the Mother Superior, probably with the intention of urging her request, overheard this prayer, and, a little irritated by the feverish thirst she was enduring, said to herself with some impatience, "It would be more to the purpose to take us home at once."

Monoceros Blainvillii, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 2. Monoceros ambiguus, G.B. Sowerby. 3. Anomia alternans, G.B. Sowerby. 4. Pecten rudis, G.B. Sowerby. 5. Perna Gaudichaudi, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 6. Ostrea, small species, in imperfect state; it appeared to me like a small kind now living in, but very rare in the bay. 8. Mytilus Chiloensis; Mr.

We will first take the case of Navidad, in latitude 34 degrees, where thirty-one species were collected, and which, as we shall presently see, must have inhabited shallow water, and therefore will necessarily well exhibit the effects of temperature. Including Coquimbo, we have Perna in the same predicament. The Trochus collaris, moreover, and, as we have just seen according to Mr.

Perna, the youngest of all the Oblates, was particularly heated and tired, and approaching the Mother Superior, with a wearied expression of countenance, she asked permission to go and drink some water at a fountain some way off on the public road. "Be patient, my child," Francesca answered; "the fountain is too distant."

Godwin-Austen has shown, fragments and water- worn fossils of the oolitic rocks, speak plainly of the nature of the pre- existing formations, by the wearing down of which the Neocomian beds were formed. The land, consisting of such rocks, was doubtless submerged before the origin of the white chalk, a deposit which was formed in a more open sea, and in clearer waters. Perna Mulleti, Desh.

Bulla ambigua, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 2. Monoceros Blainvillii, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 3. Cardium auca, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 4. Panopaea Coquimbensis, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 5. Perna Gaudichaudi, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 6. Artemis ponderosa; Mr.