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To one who spoke of the people’s desire to possess the land, and of the strong under-current of rebellion on the part of the labouring classes, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said: “Fighting, and the employment of force, even for the right cause, will not bring about good results. The oppressed who have right on their side, must not take that right by force; the evil would continue. Hearts must be changed.

"Moreover, fellow-soldiers," exclaimed Lentulus, "hear this: although he join not with us now, through policy, Antonius, the Consul, is in heart ours, and waits but for the first success to declare himself for the cause in arms. Crassus, the richCæsar, the people’s idolhave heard our counsels, and approve them.

So that not in remote regions, but in his Majesty’s dominions,—not in a time past memory, but about fourscore years ago,—not by people’s practice only, but by the laws and edicts of the supreme magistrate, the ceremonies have been abused to the reinducing and upholding of Popery and idolatry.

It would be a long story to tell, but certainly home-reading is not a prominent enjoyment among them. German governments, as a rule, take care that the people’s amusements shall not be interfered with.

What did she mean? But I didn’t feel offended by these manifestations. The souls within these people’s breasts were not volatile in the manner of slightly scented and inflated bladders. Neither had they the impervious skins which seem the rule in the fine world that wants only to get on.

That would be a frightful spectacle!—polemics between Death and Exile! Dost thou stretch out to me a beseeching hand from the grave? Without rancor I reach mine toward thee. . . . See how noble it is and pure! It was never soiled by pressing the hands of the mob, any more than by the impure gold of the people’s enemy.

Well, he hardly escaped with his life. “Hark ye, pannotche!” he thundered in reply, “learn to mind your own business instead of meddling in other people’s, if you don’t want that goat’s throat of yours stuck together with boiling kutya.” What was to be done with this unrepentant man?

Brother, while Ponary stands, while the Niemen flows, so long will the name of the Soplicas be famous in Lithuania; to their grandsons and great-grandsons the capital of the Jagiellos109 will point, saying, ‘There is a Soplica, one of those Soplicas who first started the revolt.’ ” “People’s talk is of small account,” answered the Judge. “I have never greatly cared for the praises of the world.

The multitude were overjoyed as the glad torrent flowed into their streets, and hailed with loud acclamations the successful builder. The sound of the people’s shouts of joy reached the ears of the statue builder as he was putting the last touches to his great work of art and magic. Despair filled his heart. Despite his labors, his rival had won the prize.

There was a little land, but they were always working on other people’s farms, a barefooted gang, a starved lot. I ought to know because we are distant relations. Twentieth cousins or something of the sort. Yes, I am related to that most loyal lady. And what is she, after all, but a Parisian woman with innumerable lovers, as I have been told.”