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London: Dramatis Personae The grief of the desolate man was an uncontrollable passion; his heart was strong and all its strength entered into its sorrow. Miss Blagden, "perfect in all kindness," took motherly possession of the boy, and persuaded his father to accompany Penini to her villa at Bellosguardo.

Then he helps to work in the vineyards and to keep the sheep, having made close friends with the contadini to whom he reads and explains Dall' Ongaro's poems with great applause. By the way, the poet paid us a visit lately, and we liked him much. "And let me tell Bice's mother another story of Penini. "There's a true Italian for you! But his weak point is spelling.

"Christmas came," says Mrs Browning, "like a cloud." For the length of three winter months she did not stir out of doors. Then arrived spring and sunshine, carnival time and universal madness in Florence, with streets "one gigantic pantomime." Penini begged importunately for a domino, and could not be refused; and Penini's father and mother were for once drawn into the vortex of Italian gaiety.

In the highest spirits we entered Rome, Robert and Penini singing actually for the child was radiant and flushed with the continual change of air and scene. . . . You remember my telling you of our friends the Storys how they and their two children helped to make the summer go pleasantly at the Baths of Lucca.

Invitations from country houses came in sheaves, and the thought of green fields is seductive in a London month of July; but to remain in London was to be faithful to Penini and to the much-travelled Flush.

Browning's affection for him finds utterance in a few strong words which I shall have occasion to quote. An undated fragment concerning him from Mrs. Browning to her sister-in-law, points to a later date than the present, but may as well be inserted here. . . . I quite love M. Milsand for being interested in Penini. What a perfect creature he is, to be sure!

The delightful journey occupied eight days, and on the way the church of Assisi was seen, and the falls of Terni "that passion of the waters," so Mrs Browning describes it, "which makes the human heart seem so still." They entered Rome in a radiant mood. "Robert and Penini singing."

Browning had scarcely a thought to spare for her poem, in face of the damage to her little boy's appearance which the accident involved. How he came by his familiar name of Penini hence Peni, and Pen neither signifies in itself, nor has much bearing on his father's family history; but I cannot refrain from a word of comment on Mr.

When little Wiedemann could frame imperfect speech upon his lips he transformed that name into "Penini," which abbreviated to "Pen" became serviceable for domesticities. It was a fantastic derivation of Nathaniel Hawthorne which connected Penini with the colossal statue in Florence bearing the name of "Apeninno." Flush for a time grew jealous, and not altogether without cause.

Ruskin much, and so does Robert. Very gentle, yet earnest, refined and truthful. I like him very much. We count him one among the valuable acquaintances made this year in England. 'Men and Women' 'Karshook' 'Two in the Campagna' Winter in Paris; Lady Elgin 'Aurora Leigh' Death of Mr. Kenyon and Mr. Barrett Penini Mrs.