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"Died in hospital after Antietam, sir." "David Moulton, Field's brigade." "Killed nearly a year ago, in the valley, sir." "William Fitzpatrick, Lane's brigade." "Taken prisoner at Antietam. Not yet exchanged, sir." "Herbert Jones, Pender's brigade." "Killed at South Mountain, sir." Harry felt a little shiver. The list of those who would never receive their letters was growing too long.

Reeve, 'enjoyed his days in the country with M. de Circourt vastly. 23rd Dined at M. Guizot's. 25th Dined with Thiers, and met Mignet, St.-Hilaire, Duvergier, and Remusat. The Royal Academy Exhibition took place for the first time in Burlington House. I dined with the R.A.s at Pender's. From M. Guizot

"I can read an' I've had many a talk an' conversation with you in this house, Mrs. Houseley am havin' one at this minute, seemingly." "SEEMINGLY, you are," said the landlady ironically. "But do you think there would be no difference between your conversation, and Mr. Pender's, if he were here so that I could enjoy his conversation?" "An' what difference would there be?" asked Tom Kirk.

Our brigade being transferred to the right side of the road and drawn up in line of battle in the forest, it was not long before the renowned Stonewall brigade passed by us and charged upon the breastworks of the enemy. It was repulsed with heavy loss, the Yankees having preponderating advantage of position. Then Pender's intrepid brigade of North Carolinians had a similar experience.

"You can always get it," she said patronizing. "Nay I'm blest if you can. It's no use tryin' to educate a man over forty not by book-learning. That isn't saying he's a fool, neither." "And what better is them that's got education?" put in another man. "What better is the manager, or th' under-manager, than we are? Pender's yaller enough i' th' face." "He is that," assented the men in chorus.

Pender's division formed on the right of Heth's and both pressed forward in the face of volleying musketry and thundering cannon. We found out afterward that the opposing force consisted of the three divisions of the First Corps under the command of General Reynolds. Right bravely did they fight, and being driven from the ridge they formed again on Seminary Ridge, determined to hold it.

Pender's face was grey and drawn; the hunted expression dominated it; the long recital had told upon him. "Thank you, Mr. Pender," he said, a curious glow showing about his fine, quiet face, "thank you for the sincerity and frankness of your account. But I think now there is nothing further I need ask you."

"I trust you will still think so when you have heard what I have to tell you," continued the author, a little wearily. He led the way across the hall into the little smoking-room where they could talk freely and undisturbed. In the smoking-room, the door shut and privacy about them, Pender's attitude changed somewhat, and his manner became very grave.

But my studies and training have taken me far outside these orthodox trips, and I have made experiments that I could scarcely speak to you about in language that would be intelligible to you." He paused a moment to note the breathless interest of Pender's face and manner.

Came to London. 10th, dinner at Pender's to meet Stanley, the African traveller, before he went to find Emin Bey. 19th. The third part of Greville published, 3,007 copies subscribed. Queen's House, Colombo, June 18th. My dear Mr.