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About a month before the Revolution, a ciphered despatch came from Bourmont which, I think, Circourt said he was told to transcribe in which the marshal earnestly entreated the King to take no important step till his return; adding that he hoped in a few weeks to terminate the African expedition, and to prove to the King what he was capable of in his Majesty's service.

Reeve's connexions were scarcely less numerous than in England. Guizot, Thiers, Cousin, Tocqueville, Villemain, Circourt in fact, nearly all the leading figures in French literature and politics during the reign of Louis Philippe were among his friends or correspondents.

She died some years ago from a burn, and Circourt now passes his life chiefly with Mme. d'Affry and her daughter, the Duchess Colonna. James Whittle. She is a great invalid, and never goes out. I have left my hill, which overlooks the great seaway between the Needles and Hengistbury Head, and come to London for the next three months; but I had much rather stay in my hermitage.

It seems that the Countess Circourt, whose husband has reviewed his book and Prescott's, is a most charming person, and makes her house one of the most brilliant and attractive in Paris. Since he left, a note came from Mr. Hallam, the contents of which pleased me as they will you. It announced that Mr.

The Journal for 1867 begins with Usual engagements in the early part of the year. Circourt came in April, and we went together to Norwich. To Paris in April. Met Mrs. Grote and Hayward on the road. Morny gave me a card to see the Great Exhibition before it opened. A great banquet at the Embassy on the 25th. On the 30th with Chevalier to Lemaire's fabrique. He gave me my aluminium binocle.

The Journal here has: Went to St. On Easter Sunday to Holland, with Circourt. Cf. April 13th. Spent the evening with the Queen of Holland at the Old Palace. 14th, evening with the Queen. 16th, went on, by Utrecht, to Aix, where Circourt and I remained ten days. Came home by Antwerp. From Mr. Robert Lytton Madrid, April 29th. Dear Mr.

Reeve, 'enjoyed his days in the country with M. de Circourt vastly. 23rd Dined at M. Guizot's. 25th Dined with Thiers, and met Mignet, St.-Hilaire, Duvergier, and Remusat. The Royal Academy Exhibition took place for the first time in Burlington House. I dined with the R.A.s at Pender's. From M. Guizot

From Southampton to Havre and Rouen with Christine and Hopie. Dined with the Cardinal de Bonnechose; Circourt joined us there. 17th. To the Chateau d'Eu; found there the Duc de Montpensier and Infanta Christine, Duc and Duchesse de Chartres, Mme. de Rainneville and Lambert de Sainte-Croix. Drive in forest; very hot. 21st. Celebrated our silver wedding at Eu.

He was thinking especially of the salon of Mme. de Circourt, who became his friend through life. For no one else had he quite the same unchanging regard.

In a letter to Mme. de Circourt, he said that, if people succeeded in persuading the Italians that they needed a dictator, they would choose Garibaldi, not himself, and they would be right. He summed up the matter thus: "I cannot betray my origin, deny the principles of all my life. I am the son of liberty, and to it I owe all that I am.