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I rose early, walked before breakfast, pour ma sante, and came back with a most satisfactory head-ache, pour mes peines. I read for just three hours, walked for two more, thought over Abernethy, dyspepsia, and blue pills, till dinner; and absolutely forgot Lord Dawton, ambition, Guloseton, epicurism aye, all but of course, reader, you know whom I am about to except the ladye of my love.

Italian jurist, whose "Traite des delits et des peines" contributed to the reforms and the softening of of European penal law. "While the Duke of Orleans was undergoing his examination he read a newspaper." Ibid., 497. "Nobody died with more firmness, spirit and dignity than the Duke of Orleans. He again became a royal prince.

"Le mystère de l'existence," said Madame de Stael to her daughter, "c'est la rapport de nos erreurs avec nos peines." And although there was in her, in her character, and in her terrible situation, a concentration of all the interests that belong to humanity, she was nevertheless a murderess.

Si une telle pensee, produite par le degout et la mauvaise humeur, s'empare de moi, que ma tete se fende en dix parties, et mon corps, comme cette fleur de lotus, en mille. "Apres ces mots, il se rendit dans le royaume de l'enfer, prononca les six syllabes et detruisit les peines des enfers frois et chauds.

His works, two of which are known to us, 'Pomone' and 'Les Peines et les Plaisirs de l'Amour, were to a certain extent a development of the masques which had been popular in Paris for many years. They are pastoral and allegorical in subject, and are often merely a vehicle for fulsome adulation of the 'Roi Soleil. But in construction they are operas pure and simple.

"Il y a un lieu sur la terre ou le vice ne s'introduit pas, ou les passions tristes n'ont jamais d'empire, ou le plaisir et l'innocence habitent toujours ensemble, ou les soins sont chers, ou les travaux sont doux, ou les peines s'oublient dans les entretiens, ou l'on jouit du passe, du present, de l'avenir; et c'est la maison de deux epoux qui s'aiment."

The second part of the Penal Law, or The Rationale of Punishment is from Dumont's Théorie des Peines et des Récompenses. Dumont took it from a MS. written by Bentham in 1775. No. 4 of Bentham's general scheme corresponds to the Rationale of Reward, founded upon two MSS., one in French and one in English, used by Dumont in the Théorie des Peines et des Récompenses.

On the occasion of a severe famine in Burgundy, she collected a band of her mendicant friends in a stable, and burned them all, saying that 'par pitié elle hauoit faict cela, considerant les peines que ces pauvres debuoient endurer en temps de si grande et tant estrange famine.

I rose early, walked before breakfast, pour ma sante, and came back with a most satisfactory head-ache, pour mes peines. I read for just three hours, walked for two more, thought over Abernethy, dyspepsia, and blue pills, till dinner; and absolutely forgot Lord Dawton, ambition, Guloseton, epicurism aye, all but of course, reader, you know whom I am about to except the ladye of my love.