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It was known to you and yet you dared to write to a Frenchman that you were convinced of the decline of my kingdom. And yet you dared to bring charges against me, and to say: 'Ce seront mes enfants qui seront les victimes des fautes passees. Did you not know that it was the Marquise de Pompadour who gave occasion for this war?

Je vous remercie infiniment, Monsieur, de votre bonne lettre et de tout ce que vous voulez bien me dire de celui que nous ne cesserons pas de regretter, et qui m'a bien et bien souvent parle de vous et des annees de jeunesse passees avec vous dans une etroite et sincere amitie. Ce souvenir a ete constant dans son coeur!

That ethereal beauty which peculiarly marks the American woman is also the earliest to decay. As they are the prettiest, so are they the soonest passées of any Northern nation. Could they but realize that exercise in the open air is Nature's great and only cosmetic, the reproach of early old age would cease.

The jackets of May are outshone by the jackets of June; the buttons of June are antiquated in July; the trimmings of July are passées by September; side-combs, back-combs, puffs, rats, and all sorts of such matters, are in a distracted race of improvement; every article of feminine toilet is on the move towards perfection.

Adele ran quite wild in the midst of it: the preparations for company and the prospect of their arrival, seemed to throw her into ecstasies. She would have Sophie to look over all her "toilettes," as she called frocks; to furbish up any that were "passees," and to air and arrange the new.

Mais c'est entre ceux qui sont le plus rapproches en politique que le souvenir des luttes passees laisse les plus profondes rancunes. The Journal notes: He appealed, and the case thus came before the Judicial Committee. 14th. Second part of 'Greville' published; 2,700 copies subscribed.

It is a county family of station and repute. We were there as visitors. The ladies I don't know that I 'd say very much of the ladies. 'Except that they were exceedingly plain in looks, and somewhat passées besides, added Atlee gravely. 'I don't see why you should say that, sir, replied the other stiffly.

By the aid of these, of pearl-powder, of rouge, of false hair, false teeth, and false tournure, as well as of the most skilful modistes of Paris, she contrived to hold a respectable footing among the beauties en peu passees of the French metropolis. In this respect, indeed, she might have been regarded as little less than the equal of the celebrated Ninon De L'Enclos.

The ladies, of whom there were not more than half-a-dozen, were all more or less painted, passées, and showily dressed. Among the men were military stocks, ribbons, crosses, stars, and fine titles in abundance.

Spending the day with his sporting friends, much to his own satisfaction, till in the evening, greatly against his will, he was taken out to dine with an old Mr. Randall, of Gothlands, the master of the hounds. His nieces, the Misses Marstone, were the ladies of the house well-dressed people, a little 'passees', but apparently not having found it out.