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DON PEDRO. Es verdad, no lo ha dicho; mas quizá lo diga ... tenga usted paciencia ... tres o cuatro días se pasan en un abrir y cerrar de ojos ... y ... conque, Sr. D. Eduardo, a la disposición de usted ... bueno será que yo vaya a ver lo que hace la chica; y no dude usted que si puedo influir.... DON EDUARDO. Quede usted con Dios, Sr. D. Pedro, y mil gracias de todos modos.

I shall leave no means untried to restore him to so fond a sister." "Thanks! thanks! Oh! we are already indebted to you so much." Are those eyes swimming with love, or gratitude, or both at once? Surely gratitude alone does not speak so wildly. Could this scene not last for ever? "Good-night good-night!" "Senores, pasan Vds. buena noche!"

Si es esa la forma de respeto y consideración que perdería la mujer por dedicarse a la política, ella debe celebrarlo, porque todas esas fórmulas insustanciales de galantería no pasan de ser lo que el cacareo del gallo para sorprender y asaltar repentinamente a la descuidada gallina. ¿Ni como puede, en verdad, inspirar respeto la debilidad y la ignorancia?

The tinkling of a small bell was heard within; and at the same instant the mirror glided back, reflecting in its motion a series of brilliant objects, that for a moment bewildered our eyes with a blazing light. "Pasan adentro, Senores," said Don Cosme, stepping aside, and waving us to enter. We walked into the drawing-room.

Now Jacob began plunging about, half to stretch himself, half in a kind of jollity, no doubt, for the strangest sound issued from his lips as he furled the sail, rubbed the plates gruff, tuneless a sort of pasan, for having grasped the argument, for being master of the situation, sunburnt, unshaven, capable into the bargain of sailing round the world in a ten-ton yacht, which, very likely, he would do one of these days instead of settling down in a lawyer's office, and wearing spats.

"Pasan adentro, Senores," said Don Cosme, drawing aside the curtain of the rancho, and beckoning us to enter. "Ha!" exclaimed the major, struck with the coup-d'oeil of the interior. "Be seated, gentlemen. Ya vuelvo." So saying, Don Cosme disappeared into a little porch in the back, partially screened from observation by a close network of woven cane.