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He will have the estate, won't he? I shall ask your dear papa to encourage him to come about the house. He will be a very good, very pleasant acquaintance for you and Cynthia. The other is but a loutish young fellow, to my mind; there is no aristocratic bearing about him. I suppose he takes after his mother, who is but a parvenue, I've heard them say at the Towers.

She should leave this to others, and modestly accept those already in use by us." "One remarks the puffed-up parvenue," whispered Frau von Morien. "Every thing smells of the varnish upon the newly-painted coat-of-arms." "Hush, my friend! I there comes the baroness leaning upon the arm of the French ambassador. She is indeed imposing in appearance, and one could mistake her for a queen."

Others, proud of their husbands' standing and of their wealth, could not invent enough unspoken affronts and patronizing phrases to humiliate the little parvenue. Sidonie included them all in a single phrase: "Claire's friends that is to say, my enemies!" But she was seriously incensed against but one. The two partners had no suspicion of what was taking place between their wives.

It is at any rate happier than that of the parvenue, unless the mere fact of being arrivée confers any special enjoyment. At what has she arrived? At carriages, at dresses, at houses and furniture, and at servants of a style she is totally unaccustomed to and unfitted for.

An American heiress, half Spanish South-American Spanish with no doubt a dash of Indian; no manners, as Europe understands them; unlimited money, and absurd pretensions so Chloe said in the matter of art; a mixture of the pedant and the parvenue; where on earth had young Barnes picked her up! It was in some such way, no doubt so Lelius guessed that the Duchess's thoughts were running.

But one day Mrs. Lucas saw Lady Cicely Treherne's carriage standing at the door. The style of the whole turnout impressed her. She wondered whose it was. On another occasion she saw it drive up, and the lady get out. She recognized her; and the very next day this parvenue said adroitly, "Now, Dr. Staines, really you can't be allowed to hide your wife in this way. It is my night.

Pangloss but by the unctuous humour and irresistible comic force of the character of Daniel Dowlas, Lord Duberly. Situations in a play, in order to be invested with the enduring quality of humour, must result from such conduct as is the natural and spontaneous expression of comic character. The idea of the comic parvenue is ancient. It did not originate with Colman.

She, a gentlewoman who must have been brought up with every surrounding that could foster the sentiment of self-respect she, the Duke of Myrlshire's cousin, not a parvenue beautiful, charming, and young to accept clothes from Augustus! Oh! To take a lover for love, that one could understand and perhaps pardon.

26th. To Malvern with Hopie; 27th, Worcester; 28th, Tewkesbury; 29th, Hereford Cathedral; then Boss, Monmouth, and Chepstow. September 1st. Chepstow Castle, Tintern Abbey, then to Clifton across the Severn. 2nd, rain, so returned to Foxholes. From the Comte de Paris 18 septembre. Je m'empresse de vous remercier de votre lettre du 15, qui m'est parvenue hier.

But although the high-born and exemplary Duchess shrank from the anger of her young sovereign, the parvenue Marquise was far from feeling equally abashed. With a steady step, and a proud carriage she advanced a pace nearer to Marie, and in her turn took up the thread of the discourse; nor did the haughtiness of the Queen's deportment disturb her serenity for a moment.