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Frequenter praeliantur contra aues grandes patriae, exercitibus congregatis hinc inde, et fit strages vtrimque. Haec gens tam parua optime operatur sericum et bombycem. Isti Pygmei venerunt mihi obuiam chorizando.

Of Inghen, first Rector of Heidelberg University , the author of the Parua Logicalia. AGRICOLA TO HEGIUS; from Worms, Tuesday <January 1485>, in reply. After thanks and personalities he writes: 'Certainly you shall have the Lucian, and I will dedicate it to you: but not just yet, as I am too busy to revise it. My public lectures take up a good deal of my time.

From Ebron, men gon to Bethelem, in half a day: for it is but 5 myle; and it is fulle fayre weye, be pleynes and wodes fulle deletable. De ciuitate Bethleem, et semita vsque in Ierusalem. Bethleem Ciuitas longa sed parua, firmata est vndique fossatis fortibus: cuius modo habitatores quasi omnos sunt Christiani.

Another game, called parua, is very like the Canadian sport of 'tobogging, only that it is carried on on the grass instead of on the snow. The performers stand bolt upright on a narrow plank, turned up in front, and steered with a sort of long paddle.