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The three symphonic poems, "Hamlet and Ophelia," "Lancelot and Elaine," and "Lamia"; the two "fragments," "The Saracens," and "The Lovely Aldâ," and the first orchestral suite, op. 42 which he might have entitled "Sylvan" complete the record of his output, save for some spirited but not very important part-songs for male voices.

"The Tabernacle" contains the fruits of their observation and experience, and will be found to meet the requirements of many singers who have hitherto been unsatisfied. It commences with the rudiments of music and a glossary of technical terms, to which is appended a good collection of part-songs, especially prepared for social and festival occasions.

For the first few hours they made night hideous with part-songs, catches and glees chanted with a volume of sound that in that confined place was simply deafening. Then the noise abated as one by one the singers dropped off to sleep. Presently silence fell, while the train rushed forward in the darkness bearing me towards fresh perils, fresh adventures.

But she was spared to a merciful extent, for nothing happened on any of the 'buses they boarded, except that, as they crossed the Canal, a cloud of sea-gulls swooped and swirled into the 'bus, resting awhile on the passengers' willing shoulders before disappearing again. Also the passengers on the Baker Street stretch sang part-songs, all the way down to Selfridge's.

The skirl of the Scottish bagpipes was heard through all the years of war over the Flemish marshlands, and there were Highlanders and Lowlanders with every dialect over the border. In one line of trenches the German soldiers listened to part-songs sung in such trained harmony that it was as if a battalion of opera-singers had come into the firing-line. The Welshmen spoke their own language.

Miss Lang has published a number of successful part-songs for men's, women's, and mixed voices. Of her fifty or more songs, all are more or less widely known. The favourites among them seem to be "My Lady Jacqueminot," "Meg Merrilies," "Deserted," "Eros," and the well-known sets, "Five Norman Songs," "Six Scotch Songs," "Three Songs of the Night," and "Three Songs of the East."

Then her famous brother sent his blessing on her becoming "a member of the craft," and hoped she would taste only the sweets and none of the bitternesses of authorship. Her greatest work is a piano trio, which was not published until after her death. Among other compositions, she wrote several choruses for Goethe's "Faust," and a number of part-songs. Her life came to an untimely close.

He then brought out several ballets at the Académie, but returned to the Opera Comique again, where, between 1840 and 1866, he composed thirteen operas, the most successful of which were "Le Songe d'une nuit d'été" , "Raymond" , "Psyche" , and "Mignon" . During this period he also wrote a large number of cantatas, choruses, part-songs, and instrumental works.

Towards the end of the meal several ladies came forward and sang, and one or two part-songs were also given by some of the guests staying at the Hall. 'Now, said Colonel Graham in his brisk, hearty tones, 'before we have a few words from Mr. Upton, I should like to tell you how glad I am to see the redcoats about me once more.

Choirs from the Five Towns had gone to all sorts of places such as Brecknock, Aberystwyth, the Crystal Palace, and even a place called Hull and had come back with first prizes cups and banners for the singing of choruses and part-songs. Then also the brass band contests were famously attended. In the Five Towns the number of cornet players is scarcely exceeded by the number of public-houses.