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When that was done, he awoke to a clear perception that Poll Parroting was solely chargeable with what had passed. Therefore, not to be remiss in his duty as a father, he threw a pair of sea-boots at Pleasant, which she ducked to avoid, and then cried, poor thing, using her hair for a pocket-handkerchief.

"That ignoble peace! It was no peace at all, with that crime and shame at our very gates." She was conscious of parroting the current phrases of the newspapers, but it was no time to pick and choose her words. She must sacrifice anything to the high ideal she had for him, and after a good deal of rapid argument she ended with the climax: "But now it doesn't matter about the how or why.

A petition to Parliament against the railway was not brought to me, as it was well known that I would not sign it; but some little girls undertook my case; and the effect of their parroting of Mr. Wordsworth, about "ourselves" and "the common people" who intrude upon us, was as sad as it was absurd. The whole matter ended rather remarkably. When all were gone but Mrs.

She could have spat at them and their silly ardors over the same old banality: I love him; he loves me beatitude! I love him; he loves her tragedy! The novelists were like stupid children parroting the ancient monotony amo, amas, amat; amamus, amatis, amant; amo, amas, amat away with such primer stuff! She had learned the grammar of love and was graduated from the school-books.

'No Poll Parroting! he vociferated, in return. 'Keep your mouth shut! I want to know, you sir, whether you charge that there crime on George Radfoot? 'If you ever do know, you won't know now. 'Perhaps you done it yourself? said Riderhood, with a threatening action. 'I alone know, returned the man, sternly shaking his head, 'the mysteries of that crime.

'Father! cried Pleasant, from the door. 'Don't defy him! Give way to him! Don't get into more trouble, father! 'Will you leave off a Poll Parroting, I ask you? cried Mr Riderhood, half beside himself between the two. Then, propitiatingly and crawlingly: 'You sir! You han't said what you want of me.

Capital ain't a-going to come in when such goings-on occur," he sagely opined, unconsciously parroting the sentiment Burns had just been instilling into him. "That's right, sir. If that ain't horse sense I don't know any. You got a head on you, all right," answered the admiring sheriff. The flattered Reddy pleaded guilty to being wiser than most men.

'But we shall treat England rather less severely than France, said this bland apostle of Prussian culture, 'for we wish to make it possible for ourselves to remain in friendly relations with other English-speaking peoples. And so on the whole of the Bernhardi doctrine, explained in quiet fashion by a man whose very debility of mind made his talk the more impressive, for he was simply parroting what he had often heard.

'But come now let us understand? Ericson asked; 'how can the society be healthy at the core for which you yourself make the apology by saying that it parrots the jargon of a false and loathsome creed because it has nothing better to say, or because it hopes to be thought witty by parroting it? Come, Sir Rupert, you won't maintain that?

Schumann overestimated the horsepower of fiddle music so far up the E string or underestimated the full kick of the trumpets.... Other such soft spots are well known. Why, then, go on parroting gaucheries that Schumann himself, were he alive today, would have long since corrected? Why not call an ecumenical council, appoint a commission to see to such things, and then forget the sacrilege?