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"I don't go out at all, sir, of a Sunda'; whenever I stop of a Saturday night I always stop until Monday mornin'." "I mean, are you a Papish?" "Troth, I oughtn't to say I am, your honor or at least a very bad one." "But you are, a Papish." "A kind of one, sir." "Curse me, the fellow's humbug-gin' you, sergeant," said one of the men; "to be sure he's a Papish."

"No, nor I," said several voices; upon which a loud and angry dispute arose among them, as to whether it were consistent with true loyalty, and the duties of a staunch Protestant and Orangeman, to drink 'Papish liquor, as they termed it, at all.

Thus, the new rector, by her way of it, was of a decadent modern type, full of newfangled "Papish" notions as to church vestments and early services, and neglectful of traditional responsibilities connected with soup and coal and medical comforts. Cider was no longer what it used to be, I gathered, since the big brewers took it in hand, and spoiled the trade of those who had hand-presses.

Mind you, our grandfathers to come no closer would have piously taken the event on its face value of £50, as a blessing to the Prodistan, and a chastisement to the Papish. But we move. And, by my faith, we have need.

"My good woman," said he, "your husband, I trust, is not in such danger. Mr. Clement cannot certainly be long absent, and he will attend; I am not quite well, or I should willingly go myself." "Very well," said the woman, "between you, I suppose, you will let the priest, M'Cabe have him; and then it will be said he died a Papish." "What's that?" inquired Mr.

"Come, M'Loughlin," said Cochrane, now their leader, "you ribelly Papish rascal, produce your arms for we have been informed that you have arms consaled in the house." "Pray who informed you, Mr. Cochrane?" "That's not your business, my man," replied Cochrane, "out with them before we search."

Dixon, perceiving no signs of any desire on Netta's part to attend the "papish" chapel ten miles away, began to plot for her soul. His own life was in the little Methodist chapel to which he walked four miles every Sunday, wet or fine.

"Confound him," said a fresh hand; "I'd not drink his cursed Papish whiskey. Sure the Papishes gets the priest to christen it for them. I wouldn't drink his cursed Papish whiskey."

Lucre, with an interest which he could not conceal; "what has M'Cabe to do with him?" "Why,", returned the woman, "he has made him a Papish, but I want him to die a True Blue, and not shame the family." "I shall attend," said Lucre; "I shall lose no time in attending. What's your husband's name?" "Bob Beatty, sir." "Oh, yes, he is subject to epilepsy." "The same, sir."

"If I wrote a story," Uncle Matthew went on, "I wouldn't send it to any paper that made little of my country, Protestant or Papish, no matter how good a paper it was nor how much it paid me for my story. Ireland is as good as England any day!..." "It's better," said Uncle William complacently. "Sure, God Himself knows the English would be on the dung-heap if it wasn't for us and the Scotchmen.