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But a few years afterwards the same San Michele founded and carried upwards the gate commonly called the Porta dal Palio, which is in no way inferior to that described above, but equally beautiful, grand, and magnificent, or even more so, and designed excellently well.

"She has cost her children dear," the elder woman answered, sighing. "Beyond that rampart of hills lies the Maremma, and swamps, marshes, forests are to be drained now, they say, and made profitable. You will see some peasants from over there in our streets at the time of the Palio. Poor souls!

They are so lean and haggard and yellow that their bones seem to be piercing through their discoloured skins." "The Palio! I think Signor Lucis is coming to Siena to see it," Olive said. "Is that the man your cousin Gemma is to marry?" the dressmaker asked curiously. "I had heard that she was engaged, but one hears so many things. Do you like her?"

"The Bruco hoped to win," the priest said, "and the Oca's fantino might get a knife in his back if he were not taken care of." Already the crowd was dispersing. The victorious contrada had been given the painted standard of the Palio, and were bearing it in triumph to the parish church, where it would remain until the next Ferragosto.

Artillery and infantry were in motion before sunrise, from various points of the city, bearing toward the Palio and Zeno gates, and the people turned out to see them, for it was a march that looked like the beginning of things. The soldiers had green twigs in their hats, and kissed their hands good-humouredly to the gazing crowd, shouting bits of verses: 'I'm off! I'm off!

"Oh, signorina," he said, half crying, "the alfieri and I wanted to give you these because you brought us good luck so that we won the Palio. I little thought " He stopped short, hesitating, and afraid to come nearer.

"I never know what will please you," Carmela said as she sat down. "But foreigners always like the Palio. You will see many English and Americans and Germans on the stands." "Yes, I love it all.

The two girls ran to the window, and Olive opened the green shutters a little way that they might see out without being seen. The day of the Palio was close at hand, and the pages and alfieri of the rival parishes, whose horses were to run in the race, were already going about the town.

Aunt sent Carolina out for the evening, and it is a good thing, because of course in the kitchen she could hear everything. He sent a message to say he could not go to the Palio, and Gemma's head ached when she came back from church, so we all stayed in. He came half an hour ago " "What does Gemma say?" "Nothing. She looks like a stone."

Yet, in spite of its unparalleled position on the curved and sloping piazza, where the contrade of Siena have run their palio for centuries, this palace lacks the vivid interest attaching to the home Arnolfo raised at Florence for the rulers of his native city. During their term of office the Priors never quitted the Palace of the Signory.