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"Yeckorus when I was a tano mush, thirty besh kenna rummed about pange besh, but with kek chavis I jalled to the prasters of the graias at Brighton. There was the paiass of wussin' the pasheros apre for wongur, an' I got to the pyass, an' first cheirus I lelled a boro bittus twelve or thirteen bar. Then I nashered my wongur, an' penned I wouldn't pyass koomi, an' I'd latch what I had in my poachy.

At the paiass with the koshters a rye welled and Wantelo shelled avree: "Trin kosters for a horra, eighteen for a shekori!" An' the rye lelled a koshter an' we had pange collos for trin dozenos. The rye kaired paiass kushto and lelled pange cocoanuts, and lelled us to his wardo, and dell'd mandy trin currus of tatty panni, so that I was most matto.

I never toovs 'em kenna since my pal's chavo Job mullered. And I'll pooker tute how it welled." "It was at the boro wellgooro where the graias prasters. I was kairin the paiass of the koshters, and mandy dicked a rye an' pookered him for a droppi levinor. 'Avali, he penned, 'I'll del you levinor and a kushto tuvalo too. 'Parraco, says I, 'rya. So he del mandy the levinor and a dozen cigaras.

"'Come pal, let's jal an' have a drappi levinor the boshomengri's odoi. 'Kek, pal, kekoomi I never pi'd a drappi levinor since my bibi's jalled. 'Kushto lel some tuvalo pal? 'Kek kek mandy never tooved since minno juvo pelled a lay in the panni, and never jalled avree kekoomi a jivaben. 'Well, let's jal and kair paiass with the koshters we dui'll play you dui for a pint o' levinor. 'Kek I never kaired the paiass of the koshters since my dadas mullered the last chairus I ever played was with him.