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He was scowling fiercely across at the Utah activities when she spoke, but at her exclamation the frown softened into a smile for his favorite niece. "Startled you, eh? Pahdon me, my deah Virginia. But as I am about to startle some one else, perhaps you would better go in to your aunt." She put a hand on his arm. "Please let me stay out here, Uncle Somerville," she said.

"Well, seh now Ah was steddyin' if yo' kin'ly grant yo' grace of pahdon, seh lahkly 'twould compliment Miss Cahline ef yo' was to git yo'se'f fitted to one a' them unnatchel limbs, seh. Yo' sho'ly go'n' a' pesteh huh rec'lections with that theh saggin' sleeve, Mahstah Majah." But this kindly meant proposal I felt compelled to reject.

He is a railroad man, and a right good one at that. Faveh me with the name again; Winteh, did you say?" "No; Winton Mr. John Winton." "D-d-devil!" gritted the Rajah, smiting the hand-rail with his clenched fist. "Hah! I beg your pahdon, my deahs a meah slip of the tongue."

"Sutt'nly, Madam, sutt'nly," replied he, using a form of address which he adopted the first time she appeared as Bill's representative in the business, and which he never cheapened by use elsewhere. "Those bonds ah debentures, which " "But what are debentures, Captain?" she inquired. "Pahdon me, my deah lady," said he, "fo' not explaining that at fuhst!

I'm offered two yeahs, gentlemen, for old Peter French? Does anybody wish to make it less?" "I'll pay the fine," said the colonel, "let him go." "I beg yo' pahdon, suh, but that wouldn't fulfil the requi'ments of the law. He'd be subject to arrest again immediately. Somebody must take the responsibility for his keep." "I'll look after him," said the colonel shortly.

"Pahdon me," she said loftily, her tone altering at once, "I beg leaf to insis' I better take thishere baskit back to my kitchen an' see whut-all's insiden of it." With an elegant gesture she received the basket from Noble Dill and took the handle over her ample forearm. "Hum!" she said. "Thishere ole basket kine o' heavy, too. I wunner whut-all she is got in her!"

He pulled his horse to a halt not ten yards from the menacing shotgun. "Pahdon me, ma'am," he drawled, "but is theah anything I can do fo' yo', aside from bein' a tahget in yo' gun practice?" The figure in the buckboard was that of a woman! There was a moment's breathless pause. "There's nine buckshot in the other barrel," said a feminine voice a voice that for all its courage faltered a little.

Both gentlemen half rose, the one making wry faces and rubbing his elbow, the other bowing and apologetic. "Pahdon me, Majah! My deah suh, pahdon me! But I was just tellin' this boy about the day in the Wilderness his grandfathah Hynds took a Yankee bullet out of my leg with a paih of silvah scissahs and bandaged it with the tail of his shirt.

You hole a free paass on de raailroad, an' yit you countercend to fly to me!" The manner changed to one of sweet curiosity. "Does you fly jess with yo' two feet, aw does you comp'ise de assistance o' yo' ears?" "Why, eh why, I declah 'pon my soul, you you es peart es popcawn! You trebbles me to respond to you with sufficient talk-up-titude." "Does I? Laws-a-me! I ax yo' pahdon, Mr. Leggett.

I sink sat iss not much trouble to be a countess in Ame'ica? "Se secondt sing" here a servant entered, and, it seemed to me, never would go out, but Senda waited till we were again alone "se secondt pahdon me, I sink I shall betteh se secondt sing divide again into two aw sree. And se fairst is sat Monsieur Fontenette vill like ve'y ve'y much to come home now right avay."