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I. Habits of acting and feeling of individuals attend the soul into a future life, and attend the new embryon at the time of its production. The new speck of entity absorbs nutriment, and receives oxygene. Spreads the terminations of its vessels on cells, which communicate with the arteries of the uterus; sometimes with those of the peritoneum.

At the time of procreation this speck of entity is received into an appropriated nidus, in which it must acquire two circumstances necessary to its life and growth; one of these is food or sustenance, which is to be received by the absorbent mouths of its vessels; and the other is that part of atmospherical air, or of water, which by the new chemistry is termed oxygene, and which affects the blood by passing through the coats of the vessels which contain it.

As the blood passes through the small vessels of the lungs, which connect the pulmonary artery and vein, it undergoes a change of colour from a dark to a light red; which may be termed a chemical change, as it is known to be effected by an admixture of oxygene, or vital air; which, according to a discovery of Dr.

On the introduction of this primordium of entity into the uterus the irritation of the liquor amnii, which surrounds it, excites the absorbent mouths of the new vessels into action; they drink up a part of it, and a pleasurable sensation accompanies this new action; at the same time the chemical affinity of the oxygene acts through the vessels of the rubescent blood; and a previous want, or disagreeable sensation, is relieved by this process.

Priestley, M. Lavoisier, and other philosophers, it appears, that the basis of atmospherical air, called oxygene, is received by the blood through the membranes of the lungs; and that by this addition the colour of the blood is changed from a dark to a light red.

I. From the recent discoveries of many ingenious philosophers it appears, that during respiration the blood imbibes the vital part of the air, called oxygene, through the membranes of the lungs; and that hence respiration may be aptly compared to a slow combustion. Crawford.

Beddoes, and of M. Girtanner, this idea of sleeping in an atmosphere with less oxygene in its composition might be of great service in epileptic cases, and in cramp, and even in fits of the asthma, where their periods commence from the increase of irritability during sleep. Sleep is likewise said to be induced by mechanic pressure on the brain in the cases of spina bifida.

DR. BEDDOES very ingeniously concludes, from the florid colour of the blood of consumptive patients, that it abounds in oxygene; and that the redness of their tongues, and lips, and the fine blush of their cheeks shew the presence of the same principle, like flesh reddened by nitre.

It is remarkable, that matter produced by suppuration will lie concealed in the body many weeks, or even months, without producing hectic fever; but as soon as the wound is opened, so as to admit air to the surface of the ulcer, a hectic fever supervenes, even in very few hours, which is probably owing to the azotic part of the atmosphere rather than to the oxygene; because those medicines, which contain much oxygene, as the calces or oxydes of metals, externally applied, greatly contribute to heal ulcers, of these are the solutions of lead and mercury, and copper in acids, or their precipitates.

Who, after lamenting that opium frequently occasions restlessness, thinks, "that in most cases it would be better to induce sleep by the abstraction of stimuli, than by exhausting the excitability;" and adds, "upon this principle we could not have a better soporific than an atmosphere with a diminished proportion of oxygene air, and that common air might be admitted after the patient was asleep."