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"Sure an, Mass' Tom, I ain't seen him dis mornin' yet. Ain't he done over-slept hisself like you?" "No; but I dare say he is about the place somewheres. All right, Deb; bring my breakfast quickly, please." "You will pardon me," said Monsieur de Boisdhyver, "for having begun without you?"

I., an invalid, had to sleep on the locker sofa under her port, and every time she over-slept and thus failed to take care of herself, the deck-washers drowned her out. And the painters, what a good time they had! This ship would be going into dock for a month in Sydney for repairs; but no matter, painting was going on all the time somewhere or other.

L, an invalid, had to sleep on the locker sofa under her port, and every time she over-slept and thus failed to take care of herself, the deck-washers drowned her out. And the painters, what a good time they had! This ship would be going into dock for a month in Sydney for repairs; but no matter, painting was going on all the time somewhere or other.

"But what can a man do?" replied his wife; "he cannot go down town without a shirt-bosom." "I was in a bad case," replied Mr. James, "it may not happen again. I am anxious to have you try the month out faithfully, and then we will see what has come of it." The second day of trial was a stormy one. As the morning was dark, Bridget over-slept, and consequently breakfast was too late by an hour.

Powers' suite of apartments in Rosalie Alley, and find Lafayette Powers still in bed. His twelve-year-old sister and guardian, Hildegarde, has over-slept, as usual, and breakfast is not in sight. Mrs. Powers goes to a dingy office up town at eight o'clock, her present mission in life being the healing of the nations by means of mental science.

The children would have to know; but she could not bring herself to tell them. That their father was not in the house they did not perceive, but put down his absence from the breakfast-table to the fact that he had over-slept himself. A great fire blazed on the hearth. A stack of muffins was being kept warm in a silver dish on a brass stand before it.

One morning, a week later, Noreen over-slept herself, and, when she came out of her room for her chota hazri, she found that her brother had already started off to ride over the garden. Ordering her pony she followed him. She guessed that he had gone first to the nursery, and when she reached the short cut through the forest she rejoiced at being able to enter it without the usual battle.

A flood of bright sunshine filled the little room with dazzling light, and she uttered an exclamation of dismay at the lateness of the hour. "Sally," she called, bending over her still sleeping friend and shaking her gently, "'tis time to get up. I fear me that we have over-slept." Sally stirred protestingly between the lavender-scented sheets, then opened her blue eyes sleepily.

Grimes was not volunteering information, even if he could not be accused of holding it back. "Some one must have let them down the back stairs," the butler admitted. "I don't know who it was." "Which servant got downstairs ahead of you on Tuesday morning?" "No one, sir; the cook over-slept, and she and the maids came down in a bunch ten minutes later."

When she went to sleep Friday night she had not yet made up her mind; but she finally went to visit her friend because she had over-slept and was too late to join the excursion party.