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Some one knocked at the door of No. 139. No answer. 'The key is in the door. Ouvrez donc! cried the waiter, as he ran downstairs again to the restaurant, which was still crowded. The visitor opened the door and peeped in. Some quick words broke from him. He rushed in and up to the bed.

At the same moment, my dogs made one wild rush towards the gate and a woman's voice called, "Madame Huard, ouvrez, s'il vous plait!" By the light of another flash, I could distinguish a dripping figure in white. "Bah! someone is ill or dying and wants me to telephone for a doctor!" So I pulled the bell communicating with the servants' quarters, threw on a few warmer clothes, and went below.

Sophia it resembles in so many ways.... fine place to radio from to friends at Odessa ... especially if the NUN has been obeying orders.... Lvov is out of the way, over in the city prison, cooking, where he can't betray the prisoners at Ipatiev's.... When I was alone with my Imperial prisoner I tore the patch off from my shirt sleeve and handed it to him.... 'Sa lettre! he exclaimed in an undertone.... His manner was exceedingly polite.... 'Ouvrez, lisez, I advised.... 'Oui, oui, je sais! je sais! he said softly, 'mais malheureusement cela est impossible!... 'Soak it in water', I replied.... 'Et vous, monsieur, êtes-vous américain ou français? he came back.... 'Je suis a Paris, mais je suis américain, and if the prisoner has no objection I'd rather speak in English.... 'That will be delightful, he said; 'I shall do as you say.... He ran back to the bathroom.

Well, I think that everything in the world repeats itself... especially what's in the nature of things... and particularly among young people." "Que voulez-vous dire?" asked Sipiagin, flinging the pamphlet on the table with a graceful gesture of the hand. "Ouvrez les yeux, et vous verrez!" Madame Sipiagina replied. They always spoke to one another in French. "H'm!" Sipiagin grunted.

Encore after encore was given, and the bravos of the troisiemes were enough to stir the most sluggish of pulses. "Superbes Pyrenees Qui dressez dans le ciel, Vos cimes couronnees D'un hiver eternelle, Pour nous livrer passage Ouvrez vos larges flancs, Faites faire l'orage, Voici, venir les Francs!"

And when these boys their sons and grandsons sang it, and I had trained them well they wept for pure delight." Again the song went on: "Ouvrez la porte, ouvrez! Nouvelle mariee, Car si vous ne l'ouvrez Vous serez accusee" "I dressed all the young girls in old costumes," our friend continued, still in a whisper. "I ransacked all the old chests and closets about here.

The matrons invariably refused; but at last the young men decided to mention a handsome husband to offer, and they replied by addressing the bride, and singing to her with the men: "Ouvrez la porte, ouvrez, Marie, ma mignonne, C'est un beau man qui vient vous chercher. Allons, ma mie, laissons-les entrer."

So the scene opened thus: "Come, Admiral!" said the King. "Tell the drummer to ouvrir le ban." The admiral in stentorian tones: "Drummer! Ouvrez le ban!" A silence. Then the King in a whisper: "Say something, Admiral! Tell them I am going to decorate an officer."

He turned round to Bertrand for a moment. "I'm going to have a talk with this johnny. Don't agitate yourself. You are not to move till I come back." "Ouvrez!" cried the voice again. "All right?" questioned Max. Bertrand was leaning forward. His eyes were very bright, his breathing very short. "They have come to take me," he said. "I'll see them damned first," said Max.

"Je ne parle pas anglais." "As you will." He raised the fence-rail again and made as if to ram the door. "Ouvrez la porte! Do you understand that?" "Bete!" cried the girl, withdrawing her head and slamming down the window. Tom waited a moment to see if his threats had been effective, and was relieved by hearing the bar within removed and the key turned in the lock.