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O that weary and fearfu' night! will it never gang out o' my auld head! Eh! to see her lying on the floor wi' her lang hair dreeping wi' the salt water! Heaven will avenge on a' that had to do wi't. Sirs! is my son out wi' the coble this windy e'en?" "Na, na, mither nae coble can keep the sea this wind; he's sleeping in his bed out-ower yonder ahint the hallan." "Is Steenie out at sea then?"

But he was gane, and the lady carried it in ower and out-ower wi' her son, and garr'd him trow the thing he never suld hae trowed, and do the thing he has repented a' his life, and will repent still, were his life as lang as this lang and wearisome ane o' mine."

But he was gane, and the lady carried it in ower and out-ower wi' her son, and garr'd him trow the thing he never suld hae trowed, and do the thing he has repented a' his life, and will repent still, were his life as lang as this lang and wearisome ane o' mine."

O that weary and fearfu' night! will it never gang out o' my auld head! Eh! to see her lying on the floor wi' her lang hair dreeping wi' the salt water! Heaven will avenge on a' that had to do wi't. Sirs! is my son out wi' the coble this windy e'en?" "Na, na, mither nae coble can keep the sea this wind; he's sleeping in his bed out-ower yonder ahint the hallan." "Is Steenie out at sea then?"