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"Then the thing is really serious this tale of a crazy woman you want him to marry? I must say that in his place, with these money-matters evidently on the rise, I should have backed out of your proposals just as he did. Ninas and Ophelias are all very well on the stage, but in a home " "In a home, when they bring a 'dot, we can be their guardian," replied Cerizet, sententiously.

"And I make no doubt he has been the death of a dozen Ophelias already, here and amongst the Indians," she added, thinking not at all the worse of Harry for his supposed successes among the fair. Harry's lace and linen were as fine as his aunt could desire.

Robert Burns did the part to perfection: O wert thou in the cauld blast On yonder lea, on yonder lea. How many times does one recite that to all the Ophelias and Gretchens in the world: Thy bield should be my bosom. How one admires one's bosom in that capacity! Looking down at one's shirt-front, one is filled with strength and pride.

"Never trouble your little head, Kate, with fear that there will not be Ophelias enough, as long as the world stands. But I wouldn't be one, if I were you, unless I could bespeak a Shakspeare to do me into poetry. That would be an inducement, I allow. How would you fancy being a Sukey Fay, Kate?" "Oh, the poor old wretch, with her rags and dirt and gin-bottle! Has she a story?"

But these young ladies of the new style must be Ediths and Eleanors and Ophelias, and all that heathenish kind of thing, as if they were princesses of the blood or play-actresses, instead of being good Christian Susans and Janes and Betties, like their grandmothers were before them. And Miss Edith, now, what is SHE doing?

But as Henry's Shylock was quiet, I had to give it up. His heroic saint was splendid, but it wasn't good for Portia. Of course, there were always injudicious friends to say that I had not "chances" enough at the Lyceum. Even my father said to me after "Othello": "We must have no more of these Ophelias and Desdemonas!" "Father!" I cried out, really shocked.