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They isn't a girl in Tuolumne ez could strike it ez rich as you hev even if they got the chance." He paused again, and then said, "Jinny?" "Yes, father." "You'se in bed, and ondressed?" "Yes." "You couldn't," said Mr. McClosky, glancing hopelessly at the two chairs, and slowly rubbing his chin, "you couldn't dress yourself again could yer?" "Why, father!"

Well, as you don't low niggar to be flogged, Aunt Phillissy Ann and I lay our heads together, and we tought we'd punish him; so we ondressed him, and put him into same bed wid poor Zeno, and when he woke up in de mornin' he was most frighten to def, and had de cold chills on him, and his eye stared out ob his head, and his teeth chattered like monkeys.

"'Sam, said she, 'why don't you speak? and she shook me. "'Hullo, sais I, pretendin' to wake up, 'what's the matter! have I overslept myself? is it time to get up? and I put out my arm to rub my eyes, and lo and behold I exposed my coat sleeve. "'No, Sam, said she, 'you couldn't oversleep yourself, for you haven't slept at all, you ain't even ondressed. "'Ain't I, said I, 'are you sure?

McClosky slowly, glancing, with a singular mixture of masculine awe and paternal pride, upon the two chairs and their contents, "you was abed and ondressed." "I was." "Surely," said Mr. McClosky, seating himself on the extreme edge of the bed, and painfully tucking his feet away under it, "surely."

When he rapped at the door, she called out, 'Who's there? 'It's me, dear, says Porter. "I heerd her bounce right out of bed, and she came to the door as she was, ondressed, and onbolted it; and, as I entered it, she fetched me a box right across my cheek with the flat of her hand, that made it tingle agin.

I laid Tommy out carefully on the top shelf, and covered him up, and then partially ondressed and stretched my own weary frame on my own shelf and tried to woo the embrace of Morphine, but I could not, so I got up and kinder sot, and took out my pad and writ a little more in my letter to my help.

I heerd her bounce right out of bed, and she came to the door as she was, ondressed, and onbolted it; and, as I entered it, she fetched me a box right across my cheek with the flat of her hand, that made it tingle agin. I'll teach you to call names agin, says she, you varmint.