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"What cities are these," he said, "which thou hast given me, my brother? And he called them the land of Cabul" "rubbish" or "offscourings" to mark his disappointment. Solomon, according to one authority, paid a visit to Tyre, and gratified his host by worshipping in a Sidonian temple.

The "offscourings" of London, which the companies carried rather more to the southward than the northward with us, were hardly scoured off in Whitechapel, which was a decent enough ancestral source for any American strain. As for Stepney, then as now the great centre of the London shipping, she has never shared the ill-repute of Whitechapel, at least in name.

The dirty offscourings of all ragdom, first seen in the original bales, and gathered from the four corners of the globe, have endured many buffetings, many bruisings and tribulations, and having been washed come forth pure, sweet, and clean.

Now, men," and I turned to the dark, expectant ring about me, "this is no ordinary duty of your enlistment, and I wish no one to accompany me to- night who does not volunteer for the service. Seven Federal soldiers and four women, three of them Virginians, are attacked at the house we have just left by a large party of bushwhacking guerillas, the offscourings of hell.

It is possible that one or both of these may yet leave their parents, from dissatisfaction with the life they lead." These cave-dwellers of Wick were the offscourings of society, such as might be found in any town slum.

The origin of the evil lay in the character of the seamen, scarcely any of whom were American, but the offscourings and refuse of all the seaports of the world, such stuff as piracy is made of, together with a considerable intermixture of returning emigrants, and a sprinkling of absolutely kidnapped American citizens. Even with such material, the ships were very inadequately manned.

He therefore pondered seriously whether, by denying to a portion of mankind the qualities indispensable to success in the struggle for existence, Nature herself did not predestine them to misery and destruction; whether the irredeemable poor those who after each help upward invariably fell back in the former state were not the offscourings of humanity, the preservation of whom was a fruitless task, and altogether against the design of Nature?

There were comparatively few mulattoes in the South before the war, most of these were the offspring of white overseers and it is a notorious fact that a majority of our professional "nigger-drivers" were from the North. This is no reflection on the character of the Northern people these fellows were simply the feculent scum, the excrementitious offscourings of civilization.

Esay with a saw, Jeremy with stones, Daniel with lions, Amos with an iron bar, Paul with the sword, and Christ upon the cross; and condemned all Christians to imprisonments, to torments, to the pikes, to be thrown down headlong from rocks and steep places, to be cast to wild beasts, and to be burnt: and made great fires of their quick bodies, for the only purpose to give light by night, and for a very scorn and mocking stock; and did count them no better than the vilest filth, the offscourings and laughing games of the whole world.

The difficulties would have been minimized had it not been the habit of Newcastle to send out as colonial officials the offscourings of the British aristocracy: and when a British aristocrat is worthless, nothing can be more worthless than he.