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He did it, and those bottles and feathers are some of the charms. We pay for having them renewed every year. It costs a tidy bit, but less than the watchmen and police did." "And have the thefts stopped?" "Absolutely. There hasn't been a shilling's worth of stuff touched since the obeah-man was here." "But obeah wouldn't have any effect on East Indian coolies," objected Stuart.

"Josephine," said I, lifting her gently up, and kissing her fair brow, "you are breaking my heart. I cannot stand this I must rush out of the house. "But you do, you do it is my fate, it is yours for three years I have been expecting you disbelieve me not ask the Obeah woman.

She would only reply, "I tell you, massa, what is de truth. I lub de children better than life; but I know when de black fellows find out dat I tell you, dey kill me. De Obeah man do it. Even though he not find me, I die I know it; but if I save you and de children, I not care."

She had not courage enough to be poisoned herself likewise. It is easy to conceive the terrorism, and the exactions in the shape of fowls, plantains, rum, and so forth, which are at the command of an Obeah practitioner, who is believed by the Negro to be invulnerable himself, while he is both able and willing to destroy them.

The steel barb and full eighteen inches of the shaft were red and dripping. Yet still the engineer felt no slightest twinge of pain. From his numbed, paralyzed hand the automatic dropped, fell noiselessly into the moss. And with a formless roar of killing-rage, Stern swung on the obeah, with the rifle. Stern felt his heart about to burst with hate.

A Cuban planter who suspected one of his older slaves of being an Obeah man determined to punish him if he were found guilty, and to suppress the diabolism attending the midnight meetings.

Up he whirled the Krag again, up, up, by the muzzle; and down upon that villainous skull he dashed it with a force that would have brained an ox. The obeah, screeching, reeled back. But he was not dead. Not dead, only stunned a moment. And Stern, horrified, found himself holding only a gun-barrel. The stock, shattered, had whirled away and vanished among the tall and waving ferns.

In those days when the slaves were still half heathen, and when the awful Obeah was universally believed in, such of the Negroes as attended church or chapel kept their children away from these funeral gatherings. The wakes are now, it is believed, almost entirely discontinued, and with them have gone the stories.

Among its lower ranks come members of the negro race who practise the ghastly rites of the Obeah or Voodoo schools, and the medicine-men of many a savage tribe; while higher in intellect, and therefore the more blame-worthy, stand the Tibetan black magicians, who are often, though incorrectly, called by Europeans Dûgpas a title properly belonging, as is quite correctly explained by Surgeon-Major Waddell in his recent work on The Buddhism of Tibet, only to the Bhotanese subdivision of the great Kargyu sect, which is part of what may be called the semi-reformed school of Tibetan Buddhism.

With an oath, the engineer wheeled about. His eyes burned and his lips drew back, taut, from his fine white teeth. There, already recovered from the blow which would have killed a man ten times over, he saw the obeah snarling after him. Right down along the path the monster was howling, beating his breast with both huge fists.