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Another reference to the index, another turning up of an entry, and "Well, what do you think of this? `Lucy brigantine; 520 tons; oak-built, coppered, and copper-fastened throughout; has only been to sea twice; excellent sea-boat, very fast and weatherly; fully found in every respect, and quite ready for sea. Price 2500 pounds."

They brought us in, and the thralls left supper to tend our horses, though Wulfhere would go with them to see that done before he joined us in the wide oak-built room that made all the lower floor of the house.

The oak-built ship was nearly new, the copper which covered her bottom up to the bends had not a wrinkle on its entire surface, and her deck-planking showed no signs of wear; but she was modelled for carrying, rather than for speed; it was therefore decided without much hesitation that she should be the one to be broken up. The next point to be settled was the position of the building-yard.

The "Juno" was one of the old class of frigates, of which, however, she happened to be an extremely favourable specimen. She was very strong, being oak-built throughout, and copper fastened; her timbers being of the most solid description, and exceptionally heavy scantling.

"Um, um, Maid of the Mist Lizzie Highland Lass Enterprise ah! yes; perhaps this will do. `Enterprise brig; seven years old, oak-built, iron-fastened, 350 tons register, will carry 600 tons dead-weight; well found. Price 2200 pounds. Requires a few trifling repairs amounting to possibly 500 pounds. How does that strike you?" "Not very favourably," was the reply.

The ship was teak-built, and an unmistakable East-Indiaman; while of the barques, one was oak-built and copper-fastened, and the other a soft- wood vessel put together with iron.

She was, in fact, the largest slaver I ever saw, and had accommodation to I had almost said comfortably carry at least eight hundred slaves. She was Spanish; named the Dona Josefa; hailed from Havana; was oak-built, coppered, and copper-fastened; was a brand-new ship, worth half a dozen Psyches; and her cabin accommodation aft was the most spacious and elegantly fitted that I had ever seen.

She was a brand-new vessel, measuring three hundred and seventy-six tons, oak-built, coppered, and copper fastened; of immense beam, and very shallow, drawing only ten feet six inches of water. She was extraordinarily fast with the wind over her quarter, running away from the Dolphin easily.