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Ortensia followed him down the stairs again, and he carried the lamp. As he went she heard him hurriedly repeating the Angelus. "Angelus Domini nuntiavit," he began, quite audibly, but the words that followed were said in a whisper.

At that moment the monastery bell tolled the midday "Angelus." Don Aloysius bent his head Morgana instinctively did the same. Within the building the deep voices of the brethren sounded, chanting, "Angelus Domini nuntiavit Maria Et concepit de Spiritu sancto."

And while he was doing this he heard the sunset bells ring across the valley, and set about reciting the Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae; and she joined in very piously, with her hands folded, not missing a word.

ANGEL-LIGHTS, in architecture, the outer upper lights in a perpendicular window, next to the springing; probably a corruption of the word angle-lights, as they are nearly triangular. ANGELUS, a Roman Catholic devotion in memory of the Annunciation. It has its name from the opening words, Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae.

At mid-day the bell, which had not rung since early dawn, began to swing quickly to and fro in the chapel turret, the deep bass of the organ breathed on the silence a thunderous monotone, and a bee-like murmur of distant voices proclaimed the words: "Angelas Domine nuntiavit Mariae"