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Now what good is that goin' ter do the Nunited States?" he resumed grudgingly. "The mountings kin be medjured by the eye, look a-yander."

Better git in, Boss, an' lemme dribe you up dere." "No, there is evidently more room for me in town!" "Room! Why, Mister, we could take keer of all de Presidents of de Nunited States at one time! 'Sides, hit don't look right to leave you a stompin' round here in de cold fer three or four hours by yourself. You'd git powerful lonesome." "I'm used to being lonesome.

"Oh, I'll res' myself, but I ain' gwine sponge on you dat away. I got some money," and the old man dug down into his long pocket. But his host laid a hand on his arm. "Your money's no good up here." "Wh wh why, I thought dis money passed any whah in de Nunited States!" exclaimed the bewildered old man. "That's all right, but you can't spend it until we run out." "Oh!

I speck I'm ez fon' er deze Nunited States ez de nex' man w'at knows dat de Buro is busted up; but long ez Remus kin stan' on his hin' legs no Mobile nigger can't flip inter dis town longer no Wes' P'int 'schushun an' boss 'roun' 'mong de cullud fokes. Dat's me, up an' down, an' I boun' dere's a nigger some'rs on de road dis blessid day dat's got dis put away in his 'membunce."

"Free an' enlightened citizen o' these Nunited States," the man addressed him with mock solemnity, "I brung this dollar hyar fur you-uns." "What air ye layin' off fur me ter do?" asked Ike. The man grew abruptly grave. "Jes' stable this hyar critter fur a night an' day." For the first time Ike became aware of a horse's flank, dimly seen on the other side of the boulder.