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His favourite occupation was to get the ten best boxers of the regiment to jointly engage in a ten-round contest with him, one round each. He would frequently finish fresher than the tenth man. Coming of notedly powerful stock on both sides, and having been physically educated from babyhood, Dam, with clean living and constant training, was a very uncommon specimen.

He would have had a man flogged who beat his wife; he would have had one flogged who ill-used a child or an animal: he was notedly opposed to any sweeping principle or practice of vivisection.

They have been described as drinking well when they do break the religious law, for they have a saying that 'there is as much sin in a glass as in a flagon. The Persians have never thoroughly accommodated themselves to the creed of their Semitic conquerors; they show profound respect for the externals of Mohammedanism, and are sincere in their practice of piety and the obligations of religion and charity; but they have always indulged in the fancies and ideas of the great school of free-thinking philosopher Sofis, whose observance of the ordinances of severe and joyless life is notedly lax.

I think we found landscape, for ourselves and wherever I at least found vision I found such sport as I was capable of even between the front and back rooms and the conflicting windows; even by the stove which somehow scorched without warming, and yet round which Mr. Coe and Mr. Dolmidge, the drawing-master and the writing-master, arriving of a winter's day, used notedly, and in the case of Mr.

In their colour there is no perceptible difference between the two supposed varieties more than may be often found between two individuals notedly of the same kind; and it is only in size and habits that a distinction has been observed.