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Sometimes we would discuss the respective merits of the various qualities of marble, numerous slabs of which were resting against the walls of the shop; or sometimes an hour or two would pass quietly, without a word on either side, while I watched how neatly his chisel struck out letter after letter of the names of the Nortons, the Mayhews, the Luces, the Daggets, and other immemorial families of the Vineyard.

But Milly did not return to the attack for some time. She stayed at home for several evenings and was very sweet with her father. She ostentatiously refused some alluring invitations and was quite cheerful about it. "She must give up these parties she could not always be accepting the Nortons' hospitality, etc." But Milly was not a nagger, at least not with men.

Edmonstone thinks it right he should see as much of the world as possible, and not be always at home in their own set. 'Fair and proper. 'You know she has shown him all the people she could, had Eveleen staying there, and the Miss Nortons, and hunted him out to parties, when he had rather have been at home. 'I thought he was fond of society.

Again we print this item: "Mrs. Merriman is getting ready to lend her fern to the Nortons, June 15." That doesn't mean anything, unless you happen to know that Mrs. Merriman has the prettiest Boston fern in town, and that no bow-window is properly decorated at any wedding without that fern.

She had long been conscious of her social indebtedness, which of late years had accumulated rapidly. Her party should be also an announcement, as well as a review of progress. She had consulted with the Nortons and Eleanor Kemp, who advised giving a "tea," a cheap form of wholesale entertainment then in more repute than now.

At the time of my earliest acquaintance with the Nortons, our friends the Basil Montagus had left their house in Bedford Square, and were also living at Storey's Gate. Among the remarkable people I met at their house was the Indian rajah, Ramohun Roy, philosopher, scholar, reformer, Quaker, theist, I know not what and what not, who was introduced to me, and was kind enough to take some notice of me. He talked to me of the literature of his own country, especially its drama, and, finding that I was already acquainted with the Hindoo theatre through the medium of my friend Mr. Horace Wilson's translations of its finest compositions, but that I had never read "Sakuntal

I suppose I'm an ugly fellow myself, and yet I know a sartin fair one that's not of that opinion ahem!" "Make yourself intelligible in the meantime," said his master: "I don't properly understand you." "That's just what the Mrs. Nortons say, your honor.

Say everything for me to the Ticknors and Nortons and your own people, the W s. Ever most faithfully and affectionately yours, M.R.M. Swallowfield, February 1, 1853. Ah, my dear friend! ask Dr.

Then he was not in love, for love and tranquillity seldom dwell at peace in the same heart. Jean, however, saw approach, with a little anxiety and sadness, the day which would bring to Longueval the Turners, and the Nortons, and the whole force of the American colony. The day came too soon. On Friday, the 24th of June, at four o'clock, Jean arrived at the castle.

Indeed, I wonder, when I think that a sensible people like ours really more attached to their clergy than they were in the lost days, when the Mathers and Nortons were noblemen should choose to neutralize so much of their ministers' lives, and destroy so much of their early training, by this undefined passion for seeing them in public. It springs from our balancing of sects.