United States or Christmas Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We long remembered him as one of the peculiar features of Richmond. He had one unvarying formula for proclaiming his wares. It ran in this wise: "Great Nooze in de papahs! "Great Nooze from Orange Coaht House, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Alexandry, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Washington City! "Great Nooze from Chattanoogy, Tennessee! "Great Nooze from Chahlston, Sou' Cahlina!

We long remembered him as one of the peculiar features of Richmond. He had one unvarying formula for proclaiming his wares. It ran in this wise: "Great Nooze in de papahs! "Great Nooze from Orange Coaht House, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Alexandry, Virginny! "Great Nooze from Washington City! "Great Nooze from Chattanoogy, Tennessee! "Great Nooze from Chahlston, Sou' Cahlina!

"Great Nooze in depapahs!" It did not matter to him that the Rebels had not been at some of these places for months. He would not change for such mere trifles as the entire evaporation of all possible interest connected with Chattanooga and Alexandria. He was a true Bourbon Southerner he learned nothing and forgot nothing.

The Superior Being was so delighted that he could only express his emotions by giving his leaders several extra slashes with his whip, and by putting on a speed that threatened to upset the coach. "Well, Jim, what's the news?" said Charlton gayly. "Nooze? Let me see. Nothin' much. Your father-in-law, or step-father, or whatever you call him, concluded to cut and run las' week.

"Great Nooze in depapahs!" It did not matter to him that the Rebels had not been at some of these places for months. He would not change for such mere trifles as the entire evaporation of all possible interest connected with Chattanooga and Alexandria. He was a true Bourbon Southerner he learned nothing and forgot nothing.