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Seize them now three inches below the lower nock of your bow. At this point apply the short splices for the lower loop. They should be so laid on that three inches extends up the string from this point and the rest lies along the tapered extremity. Wax them tight. Hold the three long strands together while you give them final equalizing traction.

"I hear they Gairmans send signals wi' their kirk-nocks," remarks Private M'Micking, who, as one of the Battalion signallers or "buzzers," as the vernacular has it, in imitation of the buzzing of the Morse instrument regards himself as a sort of junior Staff Officer. "They jist semaphore with the haunds of the nock "

The first feather he applied on a line perpendicular to the plane of the nock; the two others were equidistant from this. For the space of an inch he lapped the sinew about the feathers and arrow-shaft, slowly rotating it all the while, at last smoothing the binding with his thumb nail. The rear ends having been lashed in position, the arrow was set aside to dry while the rest were prepared.

Aug. 4. this morning it was Friday. we have fish chowder Fridays. i dont like it and so i drink milk and father wanted the milkman to go down celler to try some of his vinegar. mother hangs the wash boiler and the tin pans and iron kittles in the celler way and when ennyone whitch is tall goes down celler he has to stupe down so not to nock down the pans and kittles. so father he was down celler and he holered for the milkman to come down and when he went down he hit his head aginst the boiler and nocked it down and all the kittles and pans tumbled down on his head and went banging down into the celler and you never heard such a feerful noise. father was mad as time, but after the milkman was gone we all laffed as if we wood die. mother and Aunt Sarah had to set down they laffed so. mother said it made more noise then the thunder did last nite.

Forsooth she had her bended bow in hand; but let alone that the knight was over-near to her that she might get a shaft out of her quiver and nock it, ere he should run in on her, and let alone also that he was byrnied, she scarce deemed that it behoved her to slay or wound the man because she would be quit of him.

Or you can have an assistant pull on the upper nock, while you brace the bow yourself. In ancient times, at this stage, the bow was tillered, or tested for its curve, or, as Sir Roger Ascham says, "brought round compass," which means to make it bend in a perfect arc when full drawn.

"Ask if anyone is looking at one of those 'eggs' right now," he commanded Geck through the transformer. "Yes, An-yon, many Guddu right at edge of great place of making. Brother of me, Nock, him there." "Ask him, please, to describe what he sees. Maybe that will give me a good picture of what it is."

They are easily to be known, and they were the same as that I showed you peacock-feathered with a bone nock, and tied with gold and silver thread twisted curiously." "A man does not shoot another with an arrow of his own known pattern if he means it" I said. "You hear what they say of the skill of Gymbert?

We often paint the nock a distinguishing color to indicate the type of head at the other end, so that in drawing the shaft from the quiver we can know beforehand what sort it will be. The livery should be painted in several different rings. My own colors are red, green, and white. One or two coats are applied according to the fancy of the archer.

The nock itself was square shouldered and terminated in a pin half an inch in diameter and an inch long. The wood was obtained by splitting a limb from a tree and utilizing the outer layers, including the sap wood. By scraping and rubbing on sandstone, he shaped and finished it. The recurved tips of the bow he made by bending the wood backward over a heated stone.