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Just the place for a fellow who wants to get away from the world and read! Kirtley thought. On his nightstand lay, with characteristic Teuton foresight, the names and addresses of a language teacher and of a music teacher who were duly "recommending themselves" to him in the German idiom.

All that was left to him was Diogenes Laertius. He put this unique copy under his arm, and went out. It was the 4th of June, 1832; he went to the Porte Saint-Jacques, to Royal's successor, and returned with one hundred francs. He laid the pile of five-franc pieces on the old serving-woman's nightstand, and returned to his chamber without saying a word.

The room, in short, was a journalist's bivouac, filled with odds and ends of no value, and the most curiously bare apartment imaginable. A scarlet tinder-box glowed among a pile of books on the nightstand. A brace of pistols, a box of cigars, and a stray razor lay upon the mantel-shelf; a pair of foils, crossed under a wire mask, hung against a panel.

You will give me your portrait, also, will you not, when you have finished the elementary course?" Then he took an orange from his nightstand, and put it in my hand. "I have nothing else to give you," he said; "it is the gift of a sick man." I looked at it, and my heart was sad; I know not why. "Attend to me," he began again.

The room, in short, was a journalist's bivouac, filled with odds and ends of no value, and the most curiously bare apartment imaginable. A scarlet tinder-box glowed among a pile of books on the nightstand. A brace of pistols, a box of cigars, and a stray razor lay upon the mantel-shelf; a pair of foils, crossed under a wire mask, hung against a panel.

You can talk about it from a notice. Of course there are some novels that one must read in order to understand human nature. Do you read French?" "Yes; but not many French novels; I cannot." "Nor can I," said Carmen, with a sincere face. "They are too realistic for me." She was at the moment running over in her mind a "situation" in a paper-covered novel turned down on her nightstand. "Mr.

He had nosed about the law, but did not practise it. He had taken for his device: "Never a lawyer," and for his armorial bearings a nightstand in which was visible a square cap. Every time that he passed the law-school, which rarely happened, he buttoned up his frock-coat, the paletot had not yet been invented, and took hygienic precautions.

Oh! it was really an altogether delightful place in which to abide, and the pity was that its owner had spent so little time therein of late years. To-nightreturning to the scene of many childish and boyish meditationsJack placed his lamp upon the nightstand at the head of the bed and sat himself down on a chair near by.

You can talk about it from a notice. Of course there are some novels that one must read in order to understand human nature. Do you read French?" "Yes; but not many French novels; I cannot." "Nor can I," said Carmen, with a sincere face. "They are too realistic for me." She was at the moment running over in her mind a "situation" in a paper-covered novel turned down on her nightstand. "Mr.