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One conceives then that the variations of exchange are not permitted to be left to the arbitrary judgment of a single man, nor to be affected by the whims and abuses of individuals; that value is defined in view of the general good. 'Prout communiter venditur in foro, Henri de Gand, Quod Lib., xiv. 14; Nider, De Cont.

Without commerce no community can of course exist, but immoderate commerce is rather hurtful than beneficial, because it fosters greed of gain and gold, and enervates and emasculates the nation through love of pleasure and luxury. Nider says that to buy not for use but for sale at a higher price is called trade.

Bodinus highly praises the exertions of a witchfinder, named Nider, in France, who prosecuted so many that he could not calculate them.

There was a serious dispute about the actual wording of the decree, and even those who agreed as to its wording differed as to its interpretation. The justice of the title was, however, admitted by Scotus, who said that it was lawful to stipulate for recompense when both the principal and surplus were in danger of being lost ; by Carletus; and by Nider.

It will be noticed, however, that the principles of commutative justice all treat of the commutations of external goods in other words, they assume the existence of property of external goods in individuals. Commutations are but a result of private property; in a state of communism there could be no commutation. This is well pointed out by Gerson and by Nider.

The boat was not there. Indeed, he had not expected to find it after what old Lebanon had told him. It was too obscure in the valley to permit him to see across the river, so he shouted: "Boat!" "All wight, young marster, but needn't split your t'roat nor my brain pan, nider! I can hear you!

Father Kelleher's contention seems to be completely supported by the passage from Nider which we have cited above, to the effect that the common estimation ceases to be the final test of the just price when the contracting parties know or believe that the common estimation has erred.