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"This old fool," muttered the alcalde to himself, "is not going to let me have any breakfast. By this time everything will be cold, and Nicolasa What do these bits of glass prove?" he continued, raising his voice; "don't you think that the breeze which was blowing roughly last night might have caused this?

"Why, man, how impetuous you are; Why don't you at least wait until morning? Here Juan, let some one go for Uncle Licurgo to get the nag ready. I suppose you will take some luncheon with you. Nicolasa, that piece of veal that is on the sideboard! Librada, the senorito's linen."

"Ah! it is you, Don Gregorio?" cried the housekeeper, with that superb courtesy so peculiar to the Spaniards that even two shoeblacks on meeting lavish upon each other the epithet Don, as if each were a grand noble. "Yes, it is I, Dona Nicolasa," replied Gregorio. "Santisima Virgen! since it is you, then I must be late, and my master will be waiting for his pantaloons that are not yet aired.

VECINA. Soy la Nicolasa, señora ... la mujer del guarda de a caballo ... que vive en ese otro cuarto ... ya se ve ... su señoría no se acordará de ... porque nunca me ha visto ... o por mejor decir nunca me ha mirado a la cara, cuando me ha encontrado al subir o bajar del coche ... aunque yo saludo siempre ... pero doña Manuela la doncella me conoce muy bien ... y le habrá hablado de a su señoría ... toma si le habrá hablado muchas veces ... como que por ella me tomó su señoría el otro día aquella pieza de batista.