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A group of dwarf species, represented by the native British A. nemorosa and A. apennina, are amongst the most beautiful of spring flowers for planting in woods and shady places. The genus Hepatica is now generally included in anemone as a subgenus.

Remember your first view of the island, and how it's only woods and woods and water; and suppose you had asked somebody for the name, and he had answered nemorosa Zacynthos." "Jam medio apparet fluctu!" exclaimed Herrick. "Ye gods, yes, how good!" "If it gets upon the chart, the skippers will make nice work of it," said Attwater. "But here, come and see the diving-shed."

Anemone nemorosa, wood anemone, and A. Pulsatilla, Pasque-flower, occur in Britain; the latter is found on chalk downs and limestone pastures in some of the more southern and eastern counties. The plants are perennial herbs with an underground rootstock, and radical, more or less deeply cut, leaves.

Remember your first view of the island, and how it's only woods and water; and suppose you had asked somebody for the name, and he had answered nemorosa Zacynthos! 'Jam medio apparet fluctu! exclaimed Herrick. 'Ye gods, yes, how good! 'If it gets upon the chart, the skippers will make nice work of it, said Attwater. 'But here, come and see the diving-shed.

Four days later, the Nemorosa sounded her way, under the cloak of a dark night, into a certain haven of the coast of England; and a boat, rowing with muffled oars, set me ashore upon the beach within a stone's throw of a railway station.

No matter whether we look at a waving mass of sparkling windflowers in a vineyard or cornfield by the Mediterranean, or walk knee deep among the silvery stars of A. nemorosa in an English wood "silvery stars in a sea of bluebells" they are alike satisfying.

While we were thus occupied, the movement of the Nemorosa gradually became less violent; its speed at the same time diminished; and presently after, with a sullen plunge, the anchor was discharged into the sea.

"'Jam medio apparet fluctu nemorosa Zacynthos'. It might be, eh? Humph! Virgil and Shakespeare are the only ones who sometimes make poetry endurable. All the others are just little swollen Egos." This was an unusual excursion, and he quickly returned to practical matters. "There's a better anchorage over there," he drawled, waving the milk-tin toward Zacynthos.

In localities where the arbutus is not common the name mayflower is here most commonly given to the pink and white Anemone nemorosa, the wind flower of the meadow margins and low woods, and to the rock saxifrage, Saxifraga virginiensis, both of which are among the earliest blossoms of the month. None can visit Plymouth without wishing to climb the bold promontory of "hither Manomet."

I'll rather be found out and hang, than give a doit to one man-jack of you. That same night we got under way and crossed to the port of New Orleans, whence, as a sacred trust, I sent the pocket-book to Mr. Caulder's son. In a week's time, the men were all paid off; new hands were shipped; and the Nemorosa weighed her anchor for Old England. A more delightful voyage it were hard to fancy.