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Then towards the equator, with a latitude ofnorth and a longitude of 25° west, appears Mare Tranquillitatis, the Sea of Tranquillity, occupying about 180 thousand square miles. This communicates on the south with Mare Nectaris, the Sea of Nectar, embracing an extent of about 42 thousand square miles, with a mean latitude of 15° south and a longitude of 35° west.

The Mare Nectaris, again, in the south-western quadrant, presents some fine examples of concentric ridges, which are seen to the best advantage when the morning sun is rising on Rosse, a prominent crater north of Fracastorius.

In the southern division is seen Mare Nectaris, the Sea of Nectar, over whose soft heaving billows she is gently wafted by Love's caressing winds, "Youth on the prow and Pleasure at the helm." Not far off is Mare Fecunditatis, the Sea of Fertility, in which she becomes the happy mother of rejoicing children.

On the plain W. of Cook is a conspicuous crater-row, consisting of six or seven craters, diminishing in size in both directions from the centre. COLOMBO. A fine ring-plain, about 50 miles in diameter, situated in the highlands separating the Mare Foecunditatis and the Mare Nectaris.

A small crater breaks the uniformity of the border on the W. Beyond the wall on the S.E. lies the fine bright crater Hypatia A, with another less prominent adjoining it on the S.W. THEOPHILUS. The most northerly of three of the noblest ring-mountains on the visible surface of the moon, situated on the N.E. side of the Mare Nectaris.

We next take up Lunar Chart No. 2, and pay a telescopic visit to the southwestern quarter of the lunar world. The Mare Tranquilitatis merges through straits into two southern extensions, the Mare Fecunditatis and the Mare Nectaris.

But it seemed a strange place, a different place, one that looked like the lobby she remembered but in which she had never walked before. Nuwell was standing across the lobby with the two police officers from Ophir, beside a long wooden box that rested on the floor next to the registration counter. Behind the counter, Quelman Gren, the manager of Chateau Nectaris, was sorting the day's mail.

"I'm sorry, Miss Cara Nome, but none of the employees of the Chateau Nectaris was employed for that sort of work, and I'm not going to ask them to do it. What you should have is police help." "As you know very well, there are no police nearer than Ophir," she said in an exasperated tone. "Surely, you have some semi-official officers employed in the chateau in case of trouble among the guests."

An especially fine cleft originates on the E. side of this crater, which, following an undulating course over the Mare Nectaris, terminates at Rosse, N. of Fracastorius.

The Tycho rays, when viewed under ordinary conditions, appear to extend in unbroken bands to immense distances. One of the most remarkable, strikes along the eastern side of Fracastorius, across the Mare Nectaris to Guttemberg, while another, more central, extends, with local variations in brightness, through Menelaus, over the Mare Serenitatis nearly to the north-west limb.