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"O well, I thought it stood to rayson, as I heerd of Japan blackin', sir, that it would be there it kem from; besides, as the blacks themselves, the naygers, I mane, is in them parts." "The negroes are in Africa, Paddy, much nearer to us." "God betune us and harm. I hope I would not be too near them," said Barny. "Why, what's your objection?"

An' 'tis the English consul up to the City Hall says he come from Jamaica, an' a crowd of naygers from Ferdinand Street be the docks. Ah, coom, Kid! Coom quick, for the love of God!" And Sadler says: "Gi'n me a kiss," he says,

"Him that c'd lay down th' naygers in windrows all day, an' dhrink, an' play car-rds, an' make love all noight an' at 'em agin in th' marnin'! An' now Oi've found um Oi'll shtay by um till wan av us burries th' other. For whilst a McKim roams th' earth James Dunnigan's place is to folly um. "An', Lord be praised, he's a foightin' man but a McKim that don't dhrink! Wurrah!

Bill stared at the man wide-eyed. "Fronte McKim?" he cried. "Aye, Fronte McKim! As sh'u'd 'a' been gineral av all Oirland, England, an' Injia. Av he'd 'a' been let go he'd licked th' naygers fir-rst an' diplomated phwat was lift av um. He'd made um shwim off th' field to kape from dhroundin' in their own blood an' kep' 'em good aftherward wid th' buckle ind av a surcingle.

Divil a word, says I. Why, says he, the naygers has made war on the king o' Chaynee, says he, bekase he refused them any more tay; an' with that, what did they do, says he, but they put a lumbargo on all the vessels that sails the round, an' that's the rayson, says he, I carry guns, as you may see; and I rekimmind you, says he, to go back, for you're not able for thim, and that's jist the way iv it.

"Who lucked afther um loike a brother an' loved um more an' who fought an' swore an' laughed an' dhrank wid um trough all th' plague-ridden counthry from Kashmir to th' say an' who wropped um in his blanket f'r th' lasht toime an' helped burry um wid his eyes open f'r he'd wished ut so on th' long, brown slope av a rock-pocked Punjab hill, ranged round tin deep wid th' dead naygers av Hira Kal?"

An' now, wasn't it looky that I kem acrass him at all, or maybe we might be cotch by the naygers, and ate up alive." "O, thin, indeed, and that's thrue," said Jemmy and Peter, "and whin will we come to the short turn?" "O, never mind," said Barny, "you'll see it when you get there; but wait till I tell you more about the captain, and the big ship.

He said, you know, that he carried guns afeard o' the naygers, and in troth it's the hoight o' care he takes o' them same guns; and small blame to him, sure they might be the salvation of him. 'Pon my conscience, they're taken betther care of than any poor man's child. I heerd him cautionin' the sailors about them, and givin' them ordhers about their clothes."