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I happened to be around, so I jest natcherally plunked him beggin' your pardon for mentionin' the matter." "It was awfully good of you," murmured Ruth, who had Tommy's and Nellie's hands now. "Won't you tell us who you are?" asked Alice, as she introduced herself and her sister. "Who me? Oh, I'm Jed Moulton," replied the hunter.

That's what's wrong with lots of young boys; they git careless and dirty, and then they take to smoking and drinking just natcherally. A clean hide, mind you, is next to a clean heart. Now go along upstairs; everything is ready for you."

"Well," says Hank, sort o' backing up as the big man come nearer and nearer to him, jest natcherally bully-ragging him with them eyes, "I got none of them there complaints." The doctor he kind o' snarls, and he brings his hand down hard on Hank's shoulder, and he says: "There are more things betwixt Dan and Beersheba than was ever dreamt of in thy sagacity, Romeo!"

The silentness jest natcherally swamps everything after a while, and then all them queer little noises you never hear in the daytime comes popping and poking through the silentness, or kind o' scratching their way through it sometimes, and makes it kind o' feel more silent than ever.

It hadn't worked none on Miss Margery yet, her being younger, but William Dear he took it hard and serious, and it made bumps all over his head, and he was kind o' pale and spindly. Every time that kid cut his finger he jest natcherally bled scientifics. One day I says to Miss Estelle, says I: "It looks to me like William Dear is kind of peaked."

"What do you mean, Jim?" "That Mistah Norris he come back whilst you wus away, and him and yore paw wus in that back room a-talkin' mighty confidential." "Yes, and you listened. Well?" Jim swelled with offended dignity. "No'm, I didn't listen neither. I des natcherally hearn, 'count of that hole fer the stovepipe what comes through the floor of my room."

Y'u're scared stiff and it might get into your fool coconut to plug one of us and light out. I'd hate to see y'u commit suicide right before us, so I'll just natcherally unload y'u." He was talking to lift the strain, and it was for the same purpose that Bannister moved over to Hughie, who sat with his face in his hands, trying to shut out the horror of what he had seen.

I been to more'n one camp meeting, but fur jest natcherally taking holt of the hull human race by the slack of its pants and dangling of it over hell-fire, I never hearn nothing could come up to that there sermon. Two or three old backsliders in the crowd come right up and repented all over agin on the spot.

And not one of 'em looked at another one fur a minute. Doctor Kirby leaned forward from the platform, running his eyes over the crowd, and jest natcherally shoved that word into the room so hard with his mind that every mind there had to take it in. But as he held 'em to it they come a bang from one of the windows. It broke the charm. Fur everybody jumped. I jumped myself.

Or mebby he jest natcherally made up his mind he rather let loose and get squashed then get any more cinders into his eyes. Riding the blind baggage or the bumpers gives me all the excitement I wants, or all the gambling chancet either; others can have the rods fur all of me. And they IS some people ackshally says they likes 'em best.