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The dew is pelting down from the pines like a steady fall of rain." "You will get fever if you roam about at night," she said. "Mercy! your coat is soaking. Sit here by the fire." So I pulled up a bench and sat down beside her like the traditional spider. "Miss Muffitt," I said, "don't let me frighten you away " "I was going anyhow " "Please don't." "Why?" she demanded, reseating herself.

The steam-engine kind won't do it, and the acid kind won't do it, but the frictional kind'll do it every time if you only know how to apply it. "Well, sir, now I pass to the sorrerful part of my story. There is a girl named Bella Dougherty that does housework for a man named Muffitt, and a mighty nice girl she is; or, I used to think her nice. Maybe you know where Mr.

Muffitt she come down and said to Bella Dougherty it was time to shut the house up, and then I bid her good-night and told William to go home and go straight to bed, which he did, and a-saying the multiplication table all the way down the street.

Muffitt lives, on 149th Street, just above Parvin Street, the third house on the left with white shutters. "Anyhow, I got to be fond of Bella and often used to set and talk with her in the evenings in Mr.