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The same thing may be said, though not with the same degree of emphasis, upon the Grecian researches of the late Ottfried Mueller. Egyptian history again, even at this moment, is seen stealing upon us through the dusky twilight in its first distinct lineaments.

Caspar Paludan- Mueller declared it my public duty to mention of whom I was thinking at the time, since such a traitor was not to be tolerated in the lap of the Church. As I very naturally did not wish to play the part of informer, I incurred, by my silence, the suspicion of having spoken without foundation.

I hope to find some rest and collectedness for the completion of my intended Paris work in the intimate intercourse with a dear friend who is also a friend of yours Alexander Mueller. About "Rienzi" and the plans which you have commended to us regarding that opera, Belloni will give you details in so far as the purely practical part of the matter is concerned.

Now, realizing that escape was impossible, the Emden turned. Brought to bay, Captain von Mueller had decided to give battle. "Will we go into action, sir?" asked Jack of Lord Hastings eagerly. "Not unless it is absolutely necessary," replied the commander of the Sylph. "The Sydney can handle the Emden alone."

The first object of interest that caught my attention was the splendid monument erected to the memory of the gallant explorers, Burke and Wills. Baron von Mueller kindly met me on the jetty when we landed, and I accompanied him in a cab to have an interview with the Governor. When we came in sight of this monument I asked the Baron to stop while I alighted to inspect it. He courteously did so.

In sympathy the colour scheme of the whole lightened from the appearance of the paler green under-surface. Though silently, yet as plainly as had done Hans Mueller when fighting for life, they lifted the single plea: "Water! Water! Give us drink!"

On reaching their old point below the 16th parallel, a depot camp was formed, and accompanied by Dr. Mueller, his brother, and one man, Gregory advanced south.

In the south, Baron von Mueller was busy exploring some of the unknown portion of South Australia and the Australian Alps-botanical and geographical researches combined. The heights of several of the highest mountains in Australia were fixed, and geographical positions accurately placed. Leichhardt, encouraged by his successes, makes his final venture, but what befel his party shall we ever know?

After some further talk, Captain von Mueller and Captain Glossop disappeared over the side of the Sylph, and put off toward the Sydney. Before either vessel proceeded on its way, several further messages were exchanged between the commanders of the Sydney and the Sylph; but at length the Sydney began to draw away toward the east.

Kennedy traces the Victoria in its final course south Re-named the Barcoo First notice of the PITURI chewing natives Leichhardt's second Expedition Failure and Return Leichhardt's last Expedition His absolute disappearance Conjectures as to his fate Kennedy starts from Rockingham Bay to Cape York Scrubs and swamps Great exertions Hostile natives Insufficiency of supplies provided Dying horses Main party left in Weymouth Bay Another separation at Shelburne Bay Murder of Kennedy at the Escape River Rescue of Jacky the black boy His pathetic tale of suffering Failure to find the camp at Shelburne Bay Rescue of but two survivors at Weymouth Bay The remainder starved to death Von Mueller in the Australian Alps Western Australia Landor and Lefroy, in 1843 First expedition of the brothers Gregory, in 1846 Salt lakes and scrub Lieutenant Helpman sent to examine the coal seam discovered Roe, in 1848 His journey to the east and to the south A. C. Gregory attempts to reach the Gascoyne Foiled by the nature of the country Discovers silver ore on the Murchison Governor Fitzgerald visits the mine Wounded by the natives Rumour of Leichhardt having been murdered by the blacks Hely's expedition in quest of him Story unfounded Austin's explorations in Western Australia Terrible scrubs Poison camp Determined efforts to the north Heat and thirst Forced to return.